
I felt that "I do not know if Gunnar is home, but his Beta Ray Bill certainly is" did not flow quite as well as the original. That said, I guess it makes more sense that his Bill would make a singing noise when unsheathed for battle in this version.

I'm pretty sure civs have been more generous in the deals they offer than what you can get if you make a request in the previous games, but I can't think of a specific example.

Indeed, spinal injuries have left Phil Collins unable to properly grip. He has not been able play the drums and, one assumes, masturbate for the last 10 years. All he has left is his voice, and at 65 he's probably not limber enough for that to be much help.

This was about 30 years ago and I think even the smallest of towns are a lot more diverse nowadays — it's not purely random chance that the Somali national bandy team is from Borlänge — but I shall relate the tale of my cousin's baptism.

My heart of pain, and snooze numbness pain
My feeling is, I was drunk Kano as in the hemlock,
Or some of the dull opium in the sky to the drain
Past of one minute, and Lethe - department has been dropped:
Rather, by the envy of your happy party
However, it too is a happy and your happiness

Finally we're introduced to the series one true pairing: Holden/Martian Coffee Machine. "Hoffee" for short.

Well then! That's excellent news, it's a show that deserves it.

I'm not claiming cool expert inside knowledge, but far as I can tell Syfy haven't announced anything and they probably would if they had made a decision either way. Alcon have started pre-production which I believe is pretty standard, at least for shows with this level of production (CG takes time). The network seems

The production company has started writing season 2. This doesn't necessarily imply that Syfy has agreed to finance the actual production, which is somewhat more expensive than the writing part.

I assumed it was just something that heightened the senses so that he could pick up on body language, breathing and similar tells. As I recall they spent a lot of time zooming in on the interrogator's eyes focusing intensely after taking a pill, which I figure is meant to imply that the pills are making him focus

See also Finn, who does not give the impression of having gotten top grades at Stormtrooper school, mowing down all his former buddies by the dozen while they can't hit the broadside of a barn. That kid will have issues.

Stormgren is a Swedish name — it literally means "Storm Branch" — but Finland has a lot of people with Swedish names (and also Swedish as an official language) from those 500 odd years when we were their imperialist dickhead conquerors.

I imagine Bobbie is something of a casting challenge if the show gets that far. "We'd like The Rock only taller, female and more intimidating, please."

Sure I know. A boy loves his dog.

In this episode of the popular police procedural Elementary the plot concerns video game cartridges. The cartridges are located underneath the ground. The games in question could therefore be referred to as "the games underfoot".

Even that seems a wee bit limited. Gravity is, for all intents and purposes, an animated film that happens to have the odd actual face spliced in. It still looks fucking amazing. As do things like the food pictured on your microwave dinner and the easily assembled Scandinavian furniture in your local IKEA catalogue,

I'm all for the first. The second sounds uncomfortable and likely to void your warranty, unless IKEA have launched a 50 Shades line.

Good to know, I'd hate to lose my license to swede.

With a "jäng".

As "Mojäng", obviously.