
I didn't think this was a very good show even by the lax standards of Swedish sitcoms — Poehler has all the natural charisma and charm of an intellectual property lawyer living in Danderyd — but to each their own.

Fortunately, The Emigrants also exists as an ABBA-penned 5-ish hour long musical theatre performance. I'm sure it's exactly the same experience.

I think it's not so much can't as that they think self-publishing — or publishing while very vaguely beholden to a few high-concept pre-orders at least — is a better deal than having a traditional publisher. The plan is that when freed from the shackles of those meddlesome, focus-testing publishers the developer will

Relatedly, there's http://swordorwhip.com/ which is a lot less cryptic now than it was when I woke up this morning.

Charitable organizations steal men's cash and make them their mildly disappointing nostalgia cash-ins? Man, charity has really gone downhill.

It opens here in … 2 hours. Despair, remember Narva, and so on. Also suck it Americans, remember an appropriate military defeat at the hands of some delusional psychopathic despot in a relevant Swedish-American war that the US decisively won, booyah, etc.

Well, your tubes are probably going to be roughly as clogged either way. Netflix might not run as smooth or at maximum quality if traffic is high if they have to share the same lane as everyone else. On the other hand everything else will run smoother because your neighbor's Netflix isn't hogging all the bandwidth

If the maze includes a bridge or tunnel you are again foiled. As the bard would say: yeah topology, bitch!

Rêve is French and means dream, so "Rev" is likely closer if you don't want to get your ʁ on.

I'm a huge nerd and will try to explain this, because I find this sort of arbitrary code glitches amusing and I'm impressed that someone has found a way to actually do it on a console. This'll be long. Sorry.