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    Who puts any credence in Rottentomatoes or critics? IMO the movies that critics like are about as dumb as the ones audiences typically like.

    I had a lot of fun seeing the fanboys go crazy on Reddit after hearing Pacific Rim  lost to Grown Ups 2.

    I agree. How could America turn down such an intelligent, emotionally mature and genius film about big robots punching each other?

    I was surprised how violent The Lone Ranger was for a Disney film. So many slit throats in that movie.

    I agree with you, and in fact, I spend my money that way. For instance, I often buy things at independent stores at a higher price, simply for the sake of supporting them over major corporations and chain stores. It takes a bit more out of my pocket, but I want to support local businesses.

    No, I wouldn't. There are plenty of things I've chosen to not support due to personal/moral/ethical reasons, but that's my own choice. I don't care if other people choose to support them.

    This guy is an idiot and I've never read one of his books, but I hate people that organize mass boycotts based on differences in political views or social issues. How insecure do you have to be to try to financially damage someone just because they disagree with you on something (or, in this case, act like a complete

    I thought it was dumb too. Well, more monotonous than dumb, but either way, I did not like it.

    I despise Rage. I don't think he makes the shooter a sympathetic character so much as he just glosses over everything the shooter did. I agree with you that the three other books in there are worth reading though.

    As someone who bought the album based on all the positive critic feedback, I actually think less people would have bought if if they were warned what it sounded like. It sucks!

    Despite what technology dweebs on Reddit and TorrenFreak say, piracy really comes down to people wanting free stuff.

    She has every right to state her opinion on the parody, just as everyone here has every right to state their opinion on how stupid she is being.

    Here's the thing: if you want to create art and put it out in the world, people are going to criticize it, mock it, judge you for it, and, yes, make porn parodies of it. It doesn't make a lick of difference if its personal to you or means a lot.

    Films can take years from conception to completion as well. I agree that writing is a huge investment of time, but my point was that film has a lot more associated costs and requires not only an investment of time and effort but money as well. Gear rentals alone cost tens of thousands of dollars - even a movie like Par

    Can you actually put this up, please?

    I see crowdsourcing the same way. I don't like the idea of it, but its understandable why creators and even established artists pursue crowdsourcing in lieu of piracy. It has become increasingly difficult for artists to not only make a profit but just break even on their investment with piracy. You have a whole

    Every single other website.

    I think writing differs from film and music in that there are way more associated costs with the latter two. Filming a movie, unlike writing a novel, costs a lot of money. I realize that writing a novel does require some sort-of financial investment (editors, sending out manuscripts, etc, etc), but its nowhere on the

    @avclub-94d8526a5fae933806f65b8a0f49301a:disqus I feel your pain; I don't download films either. I like to actually watch them in theaters or, if that's not an option, on DVD. Its probably on Amazon for order now though.

    I'm pretty sure its on DVD, VOD and iTunes now.