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    Nothing screams emotionally mature like whining on the Internet about being persecuted for liking comic books. I don't mean that as a personal attack specifically on you, as your post is probably one of the more reasonable ones, but against the collective sensitivity of all the posters whining about this.

    How about the one who wasn't a preteen girl?

    @avclub-e2a6a1ace352668000aed191a817d143:disqus People tend to like the latter a lot more than the former. That's why if you go to a restaurant or bar, the staff will chat on a personal level with you - it ups their tips dramatically.

    What? This is nonsense. I worked in the retail industry for a while - you make small talk with anyone, male or female. Its part of your job and usually expected from customers.

    Why are his glasses so crooked?

    You should include his username in this post. When I was scrolling down, I thought you posted this, @avclub-22eda830d1051274a2581d6466c06e6c:disqus

    @avclub-1381551339ad8ecfb87a9719aa659716:disqus Well, I don't know what to say, beyond that my own experience is completely contrary. I specifically remember Maher saying he wasn't inviting conservative guests on because they're all crazy or something along those lines - I'll try to find a source, so this isn't just

    Didn't that come out two years ago or so?

    @avclub-1381551339ad8ecfb87a9719aa659716:disqus That's not true. Almost every time I've watched Real Time, its been a panel of Democrats or left-leaning celebrities. One episode Maher himself even said something along the lines of not booking Republicans as guests because they are "crazy". Most of the time the panel

    I'm right of center (on 3/4's of social and economic issues, I lean to the right) and I actually really like Bill Maher. He's a smug asshole, but that's his shtick and it's funny. I also appreciate that he speaks his mind no matter what the issue and he makes no attempts to be politically correct.

    @avclub-96f15daceb6669363fbf7f762ed57703:disqus Do you mind pointing me to some specific examples as to what you're talking about?

    @avclub-60dd44fc5944d2c8eb5bc7b7b9a3a70d:disqus The problem with that line of thinking is that it could be used to essentially justify anything being a fundamental right. Once you throw in "information" (as an umbrella term covering movies, TV, music, and books) as being a fundamental human right or necessicity,

    Really? Everything I've either read by him or heard him say (in documentaries, Youtube clips, and on his talk show) makes him seem like a complete moron.

    @avclub-472d722b57a4ed37e41e70c9c9d7d0f3:disqus You sound like a conspiracy theorist. What the hell is the "ultra elite, invisible global Aristocracy"? Do you have any sources for this Obama stuff?

    I think its OK in that circumstance, @avclub-84ca205fe6bc691c41c3bfe5a2820a15:disqus . The main purpose of copyright is to allow the content creators the oppurtunity to profit from their work - if there's no possible way which they can, I don't see the harm in downloading it. It's when downloading is done for readily

    @avclub-60dd44fc5944d2c8eb5bc7b7b9a3a70d:disqus There is no inherent right to collective knowledge. Equating entertainment with knowledge is one of the most spurious and disingenuous tactics people use to justify piracy. Watching Game of Thrones isn't a human right; its an entitlement and indulgence. If you are

    He'll move to Fox. Mark my words. They've already expressed interest.

    I think it's just a "How To" guide for gaining and retaining power. A lot of his theories and arguments in that book have a lot of application to politics today.

    Yeah, primal pretty much nails it. I'm not prepared to say "Quitters Inc." has more going on intellectually or thematically then, lets say, "Pop Art", but it is way more impactful and disturbing on a baser level. King's short stories remind me a lot of Rohald Dahl's short stories in that respect.

    Maybe I'm alone on this, but I thought 20th Century Ghosts was well below most of King's ouevre. I'd agree that the stories were more "literary" than King's short stories, but they are also a lot less impactful, frightening, or satisfying. I don't think there was a single story in 20th Century Ghosts that I'd put up