Fun fact: Billy Jack was the highest-grossing film the year it came out. It was a bigger hit than Dirty Harry.
Fun fact: Billy Jack was the highest-grossing film the year it came out. It was a bigger hit than Dirty Harry.
I just remember the end credits sequence had some gag with all the characters taking some drug that distorted their faces and gave them these incredibly creepy, clown smiles. And they were all smilng at the camera. Fuckin weird…
I've seen that one. Its not the worst movie ever, but I'd say it has a serious contendor for worst ending ever.
@avclub-6f097e848d3e349ddf8763d4aaa943df:disqus Yeah, actually, going to a friend's house or borrowing the DVD are perfectly legitimate ways to watch the show which do not effectively invalidate its copyright, which is what gives it any proprietary value.
The day I stopped reading Gawker was when one of the editors wrote that wishing someone to be raped in prison is wrong not because its horribly hateful, but because it implies that there's something wrong with taking it up the ass. Essentially, you're a horrible homophobe if you dislike having some dude rape you up…
I was really shocked when I found out it was him. It looks like a subpar, DTV flick made by a first-time director.
Why would you want to make out with a real skinhead?
I still buy CD's occasionally:
@avclub-e576423831e043f7928d9ac113abbe6f:disqus Given this is the site where Phillip Dyess Nugent will write a 10,000-word diatribe trashing you as a misogynist for not finding Lena Dunham attractive, I don't think this is that extreme of an over-reaction.
You could always self-publish it as an e-book.
@avclub-c7b1405eef2648f27d23aedf7aff903f:disqus The role Sheen was playing in Platoon was as a innocent, naive twenty-year-old, so I don't think its a slight that his role was overshadowed. It wasn't a showy role by any means.
Honestly, @I@avclub-c1bac1d55ebcc415d61552acbfbb219d:disqus has a point.
No, Chris Brown is "Most Punchable Personality". His face isn't inherently punchable.
These movies always do really well on opening weekend because they're released in something like 10 theaters across the country.
Todd, who the hell are you to insist Lena Dunham's beautiful? Her beauty is entirely subjective and if you really are against objectifying women to that extreme, then wouldn't you just refrain from commenting on her beauty completely.
Yeah, I just watched that one (and thats the name). It's drugs, homosexuality, and masturbation all rolled into one metaphor. I'm just kind of dreading the final episode, given how depressing its supposed to be.
You should be pleased to know that this movie casts the "identity thief" as a person deserving of the utmost sympathy and kindness and expects you to feel sorry for her.
I'm surprised by how dark it is. It touches on death, religion, drugs and even masturbation. It's a Disney show too!
I got the Catholic theme, but maybe I missed out on the extent of it. I took it that Keitel was protecting Johnny Boy as a repentance for his sins; that's the repentance he's seeking on the street that he refers to in the opening monologue. But I read some review which implied his relationship with Teresa was a source…
Eh…its really just uncomfortable. Everything from the point where they find the prostitute tied naked in the car to the eventual ball-busting of the tied-up guys is just kind of unsettling.