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    I finally watched Mean Streets. I was kind of ambivalent about it. It got progressively better as it went along and the ending was great, but I found it kind of meandering and uninvolving as a whole. Like with any classic film that I'm underwhelmed by, I tried looking up reviews on the Internet to get a different

    Well, it is kind of the same. What's the difference between being attracted to a 25-year-old that looks like a 16-year-old and a just regular 16-year-old.

    The buzz has pretty much died down already. There was intense coverage a few days ago and now nothing.

    Well, I'm already involved in one mega-debate in this comment section - I don't really feel like getting in another one over what I personally find funny. I'll stand by them as funny caricatures of the left/right.

    Apparently expecting you to do your own homework is an example of me being intolerant of opposing views. If you make a claim, it’s your responsibility to support it. It’s not my job to scour the entire Internet searching for your evidence which may or may not exist.

    @Shaenon You nailed my own thoughts on this show. I thought The Goode Family would be hilarious when I first read about it. I only ever watched one episode, but it just wasn't that funny. The jokes might seem funny on paper, but they are pretty one-note.

    What can I say, @drdarke, I found them both very funny. I don't like measured comedy or comedy that holds itself back and tries to be fair. Both An American Carol and Lil Bush use caricature - they exagerate what they satirize to extreme proportions.

    How about you link to one of these studies? You're the one making these claims and asserting that they are based on research, so you are the one who should be able to support these claims. I'm not going to wade through journals on Google Scholar to try and discern whether you're talking out of your ass.

    I'd like to see this research, @karp. I think you're making a lot of assumptions and baseless statements about convervatives and liberals.

    The joke is that the Goode family didn't realise there are lots of white South Africans.

    Hateful comedy is funny though, as long as it doesn't go too far. I enjoyed An American Carol and I simlarly enjoy some left-leaning hateful comedies, like Lil Bush, precisely because they are hateful and don't hold back.

    I don't think liberals are any more open to opposing viewpoints than conservatives are. As someone who leans right politically, I've learned to just keep my politics to myself unless I want to be labeled a "scumbag" or "asshole". Unless with friends or family, who I know to be reasonable, I don't even talk about which

    I'm kind of suprised how many people are offended by a bunch of stupid, moronic commercials. The Audi ad promotes "rape culture", the GoDaddy ad objectifies women, the farming ad is both racist and demeaning to office workers, the "support the troops" ad implies the troops fight directly to support the Super Bowl, the

    Before I agree or disagree with you, I have to ask: are you posting this from work?

    It got pretty good reviews elsewhere too.

    I'd go with Silver Linings Playbook. Its a great movie - not amazing by any means - and the best of the nominees that I've seen. I've missed Lincoln and Beasts of the Southern Wild, but I was really underwhelmed by Zero Dark Thirty.

    You hit the nail on the head. Part of what I hate about their reviews is that they hate on such easy targets: Star Wars prequels, Adam Sandler, Wayans brother parodies, etc. You're right: they don't want to sway opinion nor even critically examine films - they just want to mock and belittle easy targets.

    There is an audio commentary with them on Date Movie.

    Fun fact: the director of Miss Cast Away wrote The Dummies Guide to Filmmaking.

    When did I say RLM and Nostalgia Critic were equally unfunny? I just said one reminds me of the other, in that they are both shitty and not funny. Having watched Demo Reel, I agree that Doug Walker is the shittier of the two.