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    What's going to happen to this site now that Breaking Bad is over?

    I think it comes down to Walt being more pathetic than these other characters. I don't see how anyone could suggest Walt is worse than Vic Mackie, considering what happens in the pilot of The Shield, but there's a insecure desperation to Walt that I think makes people both hate him more and emphasize with him more

    True, being white plays into the whole "Mr. Rogers" thing he has going, but its not a defining characteristic of his entitlement or resentment. That's more his relationship with Gray Matter.

    That article was like something a particularly dumb liberal arts undergrad student would post on their FB.

    @avclub-0a7d7a81e8e3a20e4c34748e98ef45f6:disqus You're mistaking frequency of terrorist attacks for severity. I'm actually familiar with that study and I've already addressed it in my previous post, when I pointed out that in the US, there are more environmentalist terrorists than Islamist terrorists

    @avclub-0a7d7a81e8e3a20e4c34748e98ef45f6:disqus Actually, terrorism statistics show that Islam does have a particular problem with fanaticism more-so than any other religion, and Maher is dead-on with that claim. Islam has a disproportionate amount of terrorism-related extremism compared to other religions. That

    Not that I want to get into another debate on here, but…

    Not really, since Apple doesn't lose out on anything and the Breaking Bad producers/AMC do. The most appropriate action would be to boycott iTunes and switch to something like Amazon.

    @avclub-7624778793b762d4744afae86485c0b8:disqus Hank is blinded by pride now too though. Remember that quote he had an episode or two back: "I could be the one who takes him down." I don't think Hank wants the DEA to catch Walt - I think Hank wanted to be the one to personally bring Walt in.

    You're right, buying a ticket to a comedy show and expecting comedy is a shitty thing to do, assuming you're white.

    And if there's anything less attractive than a bunch of entitled white nerds, its a bunch of self-loathing white nerds suffering from white guilt.

    The only reason you're saying that is because of white privilege!

    Obnoxious people shouldn't be allowed to ruin a show for everyone else. Only obnoxious performers should be allowed to do that.

    "Once again, why do we care more about him violating an implied
    contractual obligation…than we do about his very valid political points?"

    Wow, Chapelle sounds like a whiny bitch.

    I agree with you, even though Breaking Bad is one of my favourite shows. There are a lot of people who seem to take personal offense to the slightest criticism of it, as well as other fan-favourites. If you want to be raked over the coals, post somewhere here on AV Club how you don't like (or just don't even want to

    Ah, OK, thanks for explaining. So essentially, the $150 million is what has been spent in marketing by other sources. I saw with Man of Steel people suggesting that the film was already in the red due to product tie-ins, but that seems to be a misinterpretation.

    How does this sort of product placement work? The $150 million is marketing costs, right? So the movie hasn't necessairly made a profit yet, but Sony likely spent absolutely nothing on marketing.

    Sounds like something from The Lone Ranger.

    Its a disaster given the budget, which was $180 million.