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    I wasn't on pain killers. And I think you're being a tad hyperbolic: it all comes down to ratings and profit. There's nothing inherently wrong with broadcast and cable; its just that audiences tend to watch crap like Dancing with the Stars and Real Housewives of Whatever over quality TV. Once in a while. a good show

    Well, I went through this when Two and a Half Men ditched Sheen. I know people like to shit on that show here and while I will defend its merits, the point is that show made me laugh more than any other and cheered me up during my recovery from surgery. It seriously made me more happy than any other TV show. And then,

    Well, I went through this when Two and a Half Men ditched Sheen. I know people like to shit on that show here and while I will defend its merits, the point is that show made me laugh more than any other and cheered me up during my recovery from surgery. It seriously made me more happy than any other TV show. And then,

    I swear to God someone came up with something almost identical to this in the comments to some AVClub article a few weeks ago. It was supposed to be a joke though.

    Maybe because they have to turn a profit.

    You can buy seasons of The Wire new for $25 a piece now. At around 775 minutes, that's about 0.03 dollars a minute.

    Can I ask in what meaningful way those themes were addressed? I don't mean to be a douche and call out someone for having a different opinion than me, but I did not like The Avengers and while I can understand why others would, I simply do not understand your points. How was the complexity of human relationship

    Jimmy Thinks You_re Emo

    I don't think its about someone thinking they are entitled to sex. Let me preface this by saying that while I consider myself a nice guy, my problems with women are entirely unrelated to that.

    I only got the one chance…and I blew it. She even said something like "These are really bad seats" whilst she led me back there and I still didn't clue in. I was just thinking "why the fuck would you want to sit here then?"

    I actually legitimately love An American Carol. My political views lean more to the right, but my enjoyment of this film comes down to my taste in comedy. When it comes to comedy, particularly political-comedy, I think the more nasty, mean-spirited, and absurd, the funnier.

    I haven't studied Dickens in-depth, but having just had to do research and write an essay on Oliver Twist, I can say that he specifically created the character of Oliver to embody the ideal of Good. He wanted to show good triumphing over evil, which is why Oliver never seems to be effected by all the horrible violence

    I always find it funny when an AVClub-approved entity is innocuously criticized and suddenly people here have a problem with the snarky dismissing that basically constitutes this site.

    And that person is me. It's a good movie. Black comedy more than anything. Its less graphic than a lot of the crap in theaters, like Hostel and Saw III. 

    Bigtits McPlotdevice  Ah, OK. I'm not completely familiar with the law in Florida or the US - I'm Canadian and I know over here Martin would be in the wrong for punching Zimmerman. Thanks for the heads-up.

    @avclub-10e60fa84b4c7c8d1f0c166bd731058a:disqus  Look, I'm not saying that's what happened. I'm just pointing out the inanity of saying that bashing someone's head into the ground is acceptable if they were being racist, as @avclub-eea4aec80a343badf2cb4f3aea3f9bf0:disqus suggested.

    You would sucker-punch them and beat their head into the ground?

    Maybe he was nervous.

    In the beginning of the movie, some intergalactic soldiers raid the leprechaun's cave and blow him up with a grenade. One of the soldiers takes a leak on his corpse. Hence, the leprechaun comes out of the soldier's penis later on. 

    Considering the original commenter wrote "Here's a good way to tell if you're one of the cool Community fans, or if you're an obnoxious Community fanboy", the implication being that not only does he think there are cool Community fans, but that he likely enjoys the show himself, I'll have to stand by that comment as