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    You lie and switch around your arguments so rapidly that I can only presume you're trying to save face at this point. Now you claim to be speaking specifically to the "smug asshole" who denigrated "people who like a show". You claim this in a thread in which you were - in the original comment - specifically attacking

    Subway Justice "The bottom line is I don't walk into threads about shows I'm lukewarm on to tell people their enthusiasm is wrong-headed."

    Subway Justice: "Learn to read better.  I really don't care who likes what"

    "and if you're sure you're right, you have to think of people on the other side as wrong"

    Good lord…calm down. You're getting hysterical over someone not liking a TV show. Are you really that insecure in your taste of entertainment that the mildest criticism makes you go ballistic? This is truly pathetic.

    Don't all parents fight in front of their kids? I always just assumed that was a regular occurrence for any family. I don't see what is so terrible about this. Eventually a fight is bound to happen in any family and your kids - being members of the family and under your care - will probably be there for it. I didn't

    Gorfious, your example is more arbitrary because there is no specific point at which an infant develops a brain. The development of a fetus is a continuum.

    Thank you, Trurl, you have articulated my point better than I could. It's ridiculous to think that there is some specific point at which a clump of cells magically becomes human. A fetus is on a continuum of development; any point which you draw is entirely arbitrary. We draw these arbitrary points and distinctions in

    Chauncey  There are only two logically consistent views on abortion: either a fetus should be considered a person and should never be aborted, including in cases of rape or incest, or a fetus should not be considered a person and can be aborted up until its birth. People throw in non-logical exemptions and rules

    "The Shining" received negative reviews when it came out, so it was momentarily cool to hate on Kubrick. It's only retroactively considered a classic. During its release, it was common to hate on "The Shining" (it was more popular with audiences than critics as far as I know - a lot of critics dismissed it as trash).

    The Razzies can die a horrible death for all I care. The Razzies should be an antidote to the Oscars, but instead they are even lamer.

    @Jean-Luc Lemur  The Blustery Day won an Academy Award.

    I think Jean-Luc nailed it. It's too similar to the previous Winnie the Pooh films, which have already been recognized by the Academy. It's similar to what happened with Wallace and Gromit: whereas the original three won Academy Awards, the latest fourth one just got a nomination and little fanfare.

    Really? That really does sound nothing like the movie. The movie was pretty much just Dirty Harry on LSD.

    Demolition Man was good, but nothing will ever beat the awesomeness that is Cobra. I don't think anything will ever be as cool as that.

    Happiness, anger, and depression are regular human emotions. It doesn't matter how well off you are (or not)…you will experience all of them, most likely on a regular basis.

    Good god…people actually watch that show?????

    Dude, how many times have you posted under this topic? Have you realized you haven't gotten a single "like" yet? Have you wondered why? 

    I used to work in a movie theater. A surprising number of people buy tickets to movies they apparently know nothing about. One time, an old lady who must have been at least 70 handed me a ticket for "The Hills Have Eyes". Ten minutes later, she came out and said "Could I get a refund. I didn't know this was a horror

    I thought Shame was great. Not my favourite film of the year, but definitely in the Top 10. My only problem was the ending - I would have ended the movie with the threesome scene. I thought it got a bit hyperbolic and melodramatic after that, which was too bad considering how understated the rest of the film was.