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    pufnstuf  Um, a gay guy might. The reason a straight man might find it shameful to get a bj from a guy is because he is not actually sexually attracted to other men, but is just so desperate for sex that he goes for it anyway. You could substitute a senior citizen or an incredibly obese lady for the gay guy if you so

    Persia You could arguably find answers and discussions for ANY question on Google, thus invalidating any sort of discussion in the AVClub comments. That's also ignoring the fact that the answers and discussions you will find on Google will just be other people asking these same questions on a different website. As

    Why, ddt? What exactly do you find wrong with the terms "political correctness" or "group-think"? They are both legitimate terms. Perhaps the "PC" is redundant in conjunction with "group-think", but I'm wondering how you would refer to "PC group-think", assuming that you don't deny there's such a thing as

    Leto II  That's the thing about political correctness: it has nothing to do with rationality or reasonableness. You raised some reasonable points. No one has to agree with your POV, but the fact that rather than discuss or debate your points, others simply tried to dismiss or denigrate you shows what this is really

    Jeff Tweedy Ok, point taken. My response was more in reaction to all the people being called "a-holes" for attempting to discuss gender identity in ways outside the PC norm - maybe I shouldn't have directed it at you, but the "anti-PC" topic gave me a good segue.

    "Intelligent people go "Hmmm, why do some black guys walk slowly across
    the street?  Is it because their disenfranchisement and
    powerless-in-society nature means that this is a passive-agressive way
    of saying 'Fuck you?' to passing white motorists?"

    Leto II  You shouldn't have apologized. You should never apologize for critically thinking about things and avoiding politically correct nonsense.

    There's nothing wrong with dedicating it to her, but that line is just really irritating. Most movies just put "In Memory of so-and-so" or something like that.

    The trailer for this movie is boring enough. Every time I go to the theater, somehow it ends up on the preview reel and pisses me off.

    I would agree with you if it was anyone other than Nobbs, but he's just too strange looking. Based on a quick Google Image search, I'd say Valerie Arkell-Smith is much more convincing as a man, let alone human being, than Nobbs.

    "It’s hard to believe that the people around the heroine haven’t figured her out yet"

    Fair enough. 

    Fair enough, although a lot of your post seemed to be saying "The Descendants" was an inherently "good" film and most on this list were inherently bad. I don't think a movie is inherently anything - it comes down to different interpretations and justifications, which is why the idea of a controversial opinion in

    Have you actually seen it or are you just going off the RT score and what all the critics tell you? I'd put $10 on the latter.  

    I'm not against moral ambiguity. It's the lack of moral ambiguity that bothers me. It's that the movie is explicitly trying to excuse their past actions and present them as "good" people.

    I wouldn't have minded if there didn't seem to be an attempt to excuse their past behavior. I enjoyed "The Warriors" - the leads are gang members, but there is never an attempt to  excuse their behavior. They are gang members and they do what they do. You can get behind them and like them (to a degree) precisely

    There are no such things as objectively "good" movies or "bad" movies, and the idea that there are such things is where a lot of this group-think comes from, as well as shallow film criticism/analysis. It's that idea which leads to critics all conforming to the same opinions with no individual insight. Movies are not

    Agreed (except on the Your Highness bit).

    You know, I enjoyed more movies on this list than on the Best of 2011 list.