
"Why do the aliens leave carvings all over the world advertising a particular planet if that planet is just a bio-research lab? "
One suggestion I have to make about this movie is this: technology changes.  These guys dropped off their DNA to earth 35,000 years ago.  The guy who lost his head did so 2,000 years ago.

Also, when first in the room with the giant head and urns Doctor Holloway finds a kind-of-shrine in the back and says "this is just another tomb".  this shrine clearly makes an alien-shaped figure.  My guess is that this bioweapon, whatever it comes in contact with, will have that vague shape as it evolves… or that

Also, when first in the room with the giant head and urns Doctor Holloway finds a kind-of-shrine in the back and says "this is just another tomb".  this shrine clearly makes an alien-shaped figure.  My guess is that this bioweapon, whatever it comes in contact with, will have that vague shape as it evolves… or that

I call BaconpirateXboxwolf as my secondary handle, any who take it shall feel the wrath of my blade

I call BaconpirateXboxwolf as my secondary handle, any who take it shall feel the wrath of my blade

Oooh, I'm a single entendre, and it's so hard to find a date, maybe I need to go to R&B bars?

Oooh, I'm a single entendre, and it's so hard to find a date, maybe I need to go to R&B bars?

I know I'm way fucking behind on this but I just finished this season and had a huge problem with the end of it I was hoping someone could help me with.  I like the power broker, interesting concept, but when the episode ends they are all talking about getting new powers… except the whole point of getting their powers

i just spewed phetons all over the keyboard

I would love to see someone photoshop will sasso with down's syndrome peddling oatmeal into that picture

Dick Cream FTW

Litha would have stuck around had she only given 110 perthent

The first social custom you must abide by is to go to a random news article and reply to the opening comment with a clever phrase using the word "cancerAIDS".

Morgan Freeman FTW.  If any voice can talk a girl into a Jurassic three way, it's his.

the dog-suit-tuxedo-blowjob was always one of my favorite elements of The Shining after the first time I watched it stoned and that part made me freak the fuck out cuz WHY?  It's mentioned in the book, the hotel has a very long history of weird shit, and that is one of the many.  Something about a senetor and his gay

take a picture of Johnny Depp from this movie and put it side by side a picture of christina aguilera from this season of the voice… same fucking makeup person.  If you want to look ageless, or like your not clearly as fat as you are, call this guy.

Looking at that picture, I'm afraid an alien, or maybe Quato, is about to erupt from her stomach.  Of course if it turns out to be a third boob I call dibs!

I wonder if the phrase "fuck beans" is like a secret phrase for the people in frances' fan club who want to have sex with her?

better repay that load quick

It actually says "first E", I figured you were just trying to be really clever about being late… you guys are just jealous cuz I spotted it FIRST.