
I am interested in this too, as I am not a fan of cop shows but decided this was worth a look.  Im actually looking forward to The River being cancelled because I love the premise, and the show is pretty good, but I know it won't last, some weak parts are already showing through.  1 good season, or 1wicked good pilot

Busey for the win!  I hope it comes out on big wednesday

so one character is an ex drunk and the other is a current drunk, and they solve crimes and there is sexual tension.  it's gonna be kinda hard to write around how this duo would quickly just say 'fuck detective stuff' and get drunk and fuck.  Also, they so stole this, as my cousin and I have the exact same dynamic

Dude, is it just me or did the blond Shield's brother look like he gave his barber a photoshopped image of donald trump crossed with a Poison album cover and said "make me look like that".

tastes like babyfood!

Ha HAAA!  (car explodes)

Yes but he never covered the most important aspect of this film… we gonna see some aniston titays?  If not I'll settle for Ackermans

*dick joke*

I like that this show has stupid characters, because most of the people I have met in life are kinda stupid, and if the world ended that wouldn't change.  Just how TV usually portrayed children as wise beyond their years they also usually portray people in difficult situations as equipped to deal with them rationally.

I know I'm a little late here but doesn't it seem strange to anyone that Varinius is cool with idea idea of stealing another dudes wife *who is obviously pregnant*?  Regardless of culture or social stigma I think getting together with a chick who is already married and knocked up is less that ideal, does she really

It's a common fact that if you jerk off with your left hand it feels like someone else is doing it… so does that meant that if someone else jerks you off with their left hand it feels like you're doing it?

This movie was great, it's basically the american answer to Akira imo.  So now hollywood doesn't need to fuck up Akira by twisting into some blockbuster bullshit, since this movie already did it right.

I happend upon "last friday night" on the radio one day and though it was a joke, literally, that wierd al yankovic or someone had made a song that sounded poppy but purposefully was supposed to be terrible.  Plus the video is all about here being a teen with braces, but the lyrics are about threesomes and drinking in

Ok, who broke the miners hymens?  Did you at least take them to dinner first?

It started that way for me, but then I noticed the guys from the state were in it and it was actually wicked funny

I bet, right now, at the gates of heaven they are saying "look, here's one of them now"

I coulda swore the headline read "Robert Rodriguez something something Mustache trilogy"  That would have been much cooler

my first first and I fuckin frost, frak!


Years ago I thought it was some kind of inside joke amongst the producers, but then my college roomate was named Chief Marbumrung, and I realized that people in other countries have different sounding names.