
Can you say to a rainbow, "Hey, stop being a rainbow for just a second."  Such is Snoop Dogg

That scene in the bunker was the most intense scene I have maybe ever seen on TV.  Damien Lewis and his face played it perfectly.

All I did was inform my wife about the hooker I banged at my bachelor party… won't have to see any more movies with her.

Man Frank, how you gonna get outta this one?

Napoleon Solo… seriously?


I read your idea as "reality show in which U2 troops get sent to Uganda"  which might be entertaining if done right.

I thought that scene was very well done.  I think that actor and the writers are doing such a great job of showcasing how hard it would be for him to reasssimilate into not just out culture, but everyday life, after 8 years of captivity.  Having not seen a woman in 8 years, then coming home to a wife who has to be

Probly too late to get a response here, but I always thought that "SLC Punk" had a terrific sad ending.  young punk rebel type kid ends up going to law school after his friend accidentally over doses, just like his father wanted.  It was a bit of a rushed transition in the movie, but felt very poignant.

how did the book of the road end?  I thought that ending felt out of place in the movie.

On a side note I always loved the ending of Grand Theft Auto 3.  The entire game I'm wondering why he keeps the female love interest around (can't remember her name).  Several times she almost gets him killed and constantly he is having to rescue her.  When the end was a fade to black as she complained after having

How did they not mention "The Mist".  now that was a very unhappy yet satisfying ending

You know what I hate the most about old people: when you go to the grocery store on a Tuesday and they are all in there walking down the middle of the aisles really slow, taking up just the right amount of space so you can't get by them without being rude.  They fucking know exactly what they are doing, don't let

dammit, I just bought a steve jobs 1, and now they release the steve jobs 2, motherfucker!  I could have waited a month and got the steve jobs 1 for less money probably… this happens every fucking time.

ya huh

maybe a dead body?  in fact that could be most celebritys true calling in life, er, death

I have always thought that Harry is basically the voice of the dark passanger.  He is always telling dexter not to get caught, not to tie himself to people, pretty much to shed his humanity in favor of his murderous pursuits.


there can be zero reasonable discussion within this topic, I fucking assure you

You know what movie is due for a remake: transformers.  those movies have been out for like ever.