
What if he hated on jews while playing bongo drums naked, what kind of piece of shit would he be then?

I think he does a lot of cock pushups

@ tyler perry presents

Hold up a picture of each side by side, now cover hitler's mustache… HOW DID WE MISS THIS!?!

@ whovian- i say selling out because it seems to me like every character, good or not, important or not, have continuity with previous comic book hero movies or not, seems to be getting their own movies now, and not because it would make a great film, but because they can pay some hack to crank out a shitty script in

They should both "do the right thing" and stop making contrived movies that totally suck!

Maybe the first lady is one of Dempsy's sentinels?

Best Young? Young Jeezey

Isn't it about time for another Spawn reboot?

I forgot to add a SPOILER tag to my above post. Van Der Werff forgive me.

Who will play Brienne?
I'm assuming she is supposed to look a little haggard but still fuckable. otherwise Jaime falling for her would be too hard to believe. In this kind of situation hollywood would usuall just take a hot chick and puts some glasses and a ponytail on her, and that won't cut it here.

It's been a few years since I read the book, but I remember Stannis being described as bald and kinda ugly. A great actor that fits that description (and is an HBO alum to boot) is Chris Bauer (andy bellfluer from true blood). His character in The Wire was awesome.

I can't believe you fools don't get it
He was way ahead of Joaquin Phoenix, and it way more committed. His plan to slowly erode the faith of everyone of his fans, until it eventually turns into unabashed hatred, is almost complete. Another 10 years or so and he will finally let is in on the fact that his entire

Caw Caw! Bang! Fuck, I'm Dead!
'nuff said.

I would like this opportunity to convince the producers of this movie to test my hypothesis: every film is better with Jeff Bridges as the protagonist. I think he's pretty goth, but that's just, like, my opinion man.

Not that I support Bradley Cooper for the role, but Brandon Lee wasn't exactly a goth icon when the first crow came out either.

from the looks of that guy I'm guessing smoking behind the gymnasium listening to Nine Inch Nails

Classy as fuck
He shows up to get her out of jail with not only a fancy martini case, but even a glass with olives. I say, good form sir!

I think I caught meloncholera from watching that trailer

Van Damme: