That One Guy

Yeah, exactly. That's what made it rise above the Mapple thing from Simpsons. It started out being about living in an age of near immediate obsolescence, and our obsession with it, regardless of the corporation selling us on it. Apple has just become the proxy for that in the last few years, so might as well make a

Less, but it got close at points. Still an all around middling episode. Should have dropped the "Susan Boil" thing though.

So… not a fan, huh?

Just stop.
Ok, I haven't even read the review yet. But, a C+?!? Way too low a grade.

Don't tell me you're that stupid. The polar bear escaped whatever cage it was in when the machine stopped dispensing fish biscuits. Mystery was solved when Charolette found the collar on the skeleton in Tunisa.

The opposite
This is the opposite of a comment season finale.

I dunno, that article was a pretty great read. And having your work attributed to someone else will piss anyone off. Doesn't seem to assholish to me. Ellison however, is a complete prick. An awesome one though, and a great writer, so I love him for it.

I like the way you think, mbs! Pinchot is going to be cast as a pop culture obsessed samurai in feudal Japan now. The soundtrack is all Lou Reed. Don't ask how.

Ohhh ok, hair metal. Makes more sense, though that could kinda be applied to Metallica and some others in the 80s. It's all so confusing!

I am curious, does the game feature David Bowie glam rock, or Twisted Sister glam rock. There's a difference, and the fact that we don't have two different names for these two different styles of music is confusing and upsetting.

What did that guy say when I said "Who's that guy"?

If I have to hear one more NYer complain about the transportation I will gut them. Try not having a car in the suburbs, you spoiled children. The MTA may fuck up (and they do it *a lot*) , but we still have the best goddamn public transit around. Especially for such a populated area.

For the same reason he looks at zombie pictures.

You fucking people need to stop being so jealous of New York. Grow some balls, move out of the midwest and embrace only of the only places that matter. Jesus.

That image is so disgusting and nightmarish. I am going to start masturbating.

Yeah, if we're going to mention "Sunny" here (a show which I looooove BTW) how do those characters stack up? They're basically just crazier versions of crazy caricatures at this point. Anyone care to elaborate on anything I am not seeing?


Are you really going to use Kevin Smith as barometer for maturation?
