That One Guy

You win the comments page, sir.

Anyone who hates on Batman Returns kind of doesn't have a soul.

These comments are like the buzzing of flies to Vigo.

These people…
…sound like a bunch of funts.


I agree with this statement.

I feel twatsuckingly refreshed.

I just want to than Unmutual for making me laugh out loud at work. Wenrer Herzog, indeed.

God, I think I love you, Beiiona.

Ahhhh, youth

Fart boys?

He's here because he needs to get away from his easily terrified kid for a few hours.

Man, people sure become idiots when they have children.

I actually liked this one. But it would have been perfect if delivered by the Cryptkeeper.

THIS is the thread I was looking for. I love you guys.


Replicants are not robots. They're genetically engineered humanoids using synthetically produced materials to seem like real humans. It doesn't make any sense in real life terms, but a robot needs to be made of electricity and wires. Roy Batty doesn't have those.

Is that what we're calling mbs now?

See all that stuff in there, Homer? That's why your robot never worked.

Um… Ziggy FUCKING Stardust.