That One Guy

No, just smart enough to get the fuck out of the suburbs. If I were lucky I wouldn't be dirt poot. Or have failing organs. But hey, at least I'll die in a place that matters.

All right, all right the rent for the whole place is $1000. Including dining room, living room and two bathrooms. I pay half. My girlfriend pays the other half.

HipsterDbag, we have our differences in taste and so on, but you are fucking right on here.

You have no idea what my dick looks like!

Also, it's a three bedroom apt. Continue to be awful in your awful life.

I don't pay 3 grand for rent, because I'm not a fucking idiot. I pay 500 for it. Because I don't want to live in the gentrified parts of Brooklyn.(read: white trustfunders paradise).

Fucking dirt poot IS hilarious. But, I stand by my hatred of the sticks. Thank Christ I moved out of the suburbs.

Wow. NOW you fucking hicks are reveling in how awful most of this country is? You're PROUD of it. YOU'RE the problem. The uneducated, probably inbred, problem.

Ok, so this second post has raised my suspicions. This is A Grey Man Writes/Coldstream as an unregistered commentor, correct? Or perhaps just a person doing a bit based on him?

Hey, A Apple go back to masturbaing alone in your room. You're souless, have no sense of joy and will die alone. Hopefully, your corpse will be repeatedly anally violated by the long string of people who were completely justified in hating you during your lifetime.

That is exactly how I felt too. "Oh, Zoidberg in the trap? Toooo obvi—WHAAA! SWITCHEROO, I LOVE YOU!"

I agree, Lobsters. Discovering both those things are enlightening. I only wish I had found them out on the same day too.

Dr. Robuttnik - Your sister was at the Apple Store SoHo thing for Scott Pilgrim, eh? Me too! Was she one of the overwelmingly annoying girl who thought they *totally were* Ramona Flowers, so they just *had* to dress like her. Cuz there was a lot of that bullshit there. Cool panel though.

William T. Goat wins forever.

Ok, that's two posts now, Wiz. Your mother is an insane, controlling cunt. I hope you don't still live with her.

Why are you addressing an entire writing staff as "Matt Groening"? Especially when he's one person in the world who is most definitely not involved with that staff. That fat fuck just collects a paycheck and speaks into the camera sometimes. He's the Stan Lee of animation. But, you know, not charming. He barely

I doubled posted. I suck balls.

I agree with Rabbits. Clever use of a user name, BTW.

Lone, I love you, but I gotta call bullshit here. How are references to Twitter and Susan Boyle more topical and/or outdated 1000 years in the future than Ed Begley Jr., David Duchovny and even the idea of a car with wheels?

I know you're a troll and all, but have some food anyway: