
I am at a loss as well. I didn't see any murder. Granted I just skipped to the end. In the end he walks away and she is really sad, which is it's own kind of message I guess, though not particularly positive either.

You guys remember
That episode of News Radio in which Dave finds a copy of The Firm amongst Beth's things? She says: "It's better than the movie" and Dave says: "It'd just about have to be…" I thought that was funny, and I wanted to share that with all of you today.

Bradley Whitford is thinking of the best way to ask without sounding desperate.

When I first saw them, I thought they were ridiculous, and when I look at them now, I still think that they are ridiculous. However, in the UK I think that they are inherently more afraid of toiler plungers than Americans (according to wikipedia).


Rachel Griffiths was the actress. And yes, she was a really mean person to just about everybody. I loved it when (possible spoilers maybe…) he psychiatrist friend from work just basically told her to shut the fuck up about her problems.

Dave: Have you ever heard the expression that you can catch more flies with honey than you can with vinegar?

I was just watching the first season of the reboot (Eccleston) for the first time last night after having watched the fifth season (which was my first Dr. Who experience). I just saw the episode with the Dalek and the guy who invented the internet. The Dalek's existential crisis was hilariously good

I think he is just a family friend. I remember Mitch's sister one time drunkenly telling him that he wasn't a member (part maybe…) of this family.

You let him go!
That man killed our child and you let him go!

Yeah it's pretty much been covered. I think he is everyone's pick. Though, I don't know if he is actually an uncle. When he was hitting that rock, I was kind of distracted and doing something else. I looked up and thought to myself, " Why is he hitting a rock?" I thought for a brief moment, I would rewind and


It didn't become a white knuckle thrill-ride tour-de-force or what have you. It is still putting out consistently entertaining episodes though.

Maybe if there is enough backlash, they can sate their fans by making that prequel movie called "Cause". The marketing of the dvd set later practically writes itself!

So in the end
Did we ever find out what the Event was?

You guys think we should just stay out of this one?

The Funeral Director reminds me an awful lot of Dwight Schrute. Or, maybe just Rainn Wilson's character from Six Feet Under.

Eh… Yeah, it rains here a pretty good bit. It's hardly ever a torrential downpour kind of thing, but in the fall/winter, it generally is always drizzling on you a little bit. Every new rainy season is different, but I can see why people assume it's rainy.

Most of the SuperSonics fans just kind of seamlessly transitioned into Seattle Sounders fans. We just kind of go with the flow up here… Key Arena sucks.

With this and Sheen, What is going on?
I thought celebrities were required by some internal SAG code to kiss each others' asses in the press and say things like "such a good friend" and "love him so much" and "can't wait to work with him again", thus revealing an ignorance as to the meaning of the words: friend,