
Oh Gods.  What has happened now?  I just, I just obviously feel this sense of complete joy that maybe Jesse will be able to rise up from all of this.  And I weep, and weep embarrassingly so, because I'm going to to miss my favorite show of all time.  Sorry The Wire, The Sopranos, and yes even you my unheralded love,

Alright, Monday morning quarterbacking this comment, I don't know where I went astray, I think I got caught between disarm and defuse, and ended up with that nonsense.  I apologize to everybody involved.

Watching the Newsroom after watching Breaking Bad is like watching somebody changing a tire after watching somebody diffuse a bomb.

I am nothing if not fluent.

Oh yeah.  It is probably something like he had the intern girl bid as much money as necessary to win Sloan's auction thinking it was the date or whatever that was originally suggested only to wind up with a forged autograph.  I imagine something like:

So good news.  With Will bemoaning soccer and it's nil nil draws, I got Sorkin series' bingo!

4 more years!

I feel stupid even asking this, but like, NONE of this happens in the book, right?

I still can't figure out if this whole my little pony thing is just one giant internet hoax and everyone is fucking with me.

It seems to me
It seems to me that the main problem with being a football cop is that once you make your first throw, where does your next football come from?

I see something it.


Ah yes.. the Dreamcast VMUs…. I did something with that and Shenmue. I want to say there was a chocobo thing as well, but I don't know that it makes sense, because I don't think there were Final Fantasy games for the Dreamcast.

(spoilers?)Yeah Brenda really does enjoy fucking with people, as does her brother for that matter. I think that when we meet their parents however, it explains an awful damn lot. Since she spent so much time growing up at some sort of mental odds with adults, it only makes sense that she specializes in mind games.

Yeah but it's a fake. My cousin Merle in Shelbyville can hook you up if you're interested.

And what of this theory? Or have we already covered it?

People, I'm from Tennessee, and I have to say that I find this whole attitude being displayed towards Southerners to be completely and totally mostly accurate.

I think you can tell a lot about a man by the way he answers this question. Most are going with Brie, so my heart wants to give Caplan a vote, she's beautiful and funny and fuck it, Brie.

It's rigged kid. Fuggedaboudit.

Can I level with you guys? I didn't want to watch the whole video because I think her music is terrible, but I did want to see this brutal cold blooded murder that everyone is fussing about. Also, the article says that the video ends with her killing a dude. So I missed it.