Notlob McGee

It's unsettling how much Euron resembles Theon. That's some creepy-good casting.

Apparently, the Brienne & Tormund stuff was improvised by the actors, and they made it a recurring thing…which makes me love it even more.

"Bloody wolves chasing me through a blue inFUHno!" -Keanu Reeves, Englishman


Oh my God, I'm having Grandy's flashbacks. Yeah, yeah, the article is about Pizza Hut, but GRANDY'S!!!

Bill Irwin is a great actor, and I thought that was good casting, but now that we see the connection between Cary/Kerry…it's GREAT casting. "Who could we get who's a good actor, but also the world's greatest living mime/clown?" Awesome.

That's the HomeOWNER tax.

I saw the painting and the darksaber's pedestal as a shrine. A shrine to the moment he knows he brought Obi-Wan low. That's why he reacted that way to Ezra going near it. I thought it was a pretty dark, twisted thing for a kids show, if you know the backstory of how and why Maul killed Dutchess Sabine.

Avery Brooks used to teach at Rutgers…are you sure it wasn't ACTUALLY him? (ha)

I watched a few minutes of the Bill Burr routine, stopped, thought, and went back to watch the scene again. Definitely "billboard", which is a solid joke, but now I want it to be the Bill Burr thing…

Art Deco Rocketeer and Anatomy of a Murder are hanging in my office.

So funny. Some incredible moments that pop into my head:

Best line in that episode:
Skeets: "….. I got nothing."

When Unser and the attorney, Lowen, said that quick hello to each other at the hospital, all I could think was, "It's Jane Cannery and Charlie Udder! Reunited at last!"

If I had to guess, I'd say that was filmed when Kerri and Ken were at NYU together in the 90's (along with the rest of "The State"). That is clearly an acting class or lab of some kind.

Farewell for now, Python reviews.  I always disliked the new endings in ANFSCD, but there was an intangible flaw I couldn't describe.  Nail on the head, Zack.  Nail on the head.

Uh, that's nice.  MOM!!!!

Hey, it's Johnny Mathis!

Agreed.  If "underwear" is too clinical and/or wordy for you, why not "undies" for both genders?  It's a cuter version of "underwear," and since Walter uses the term in "The Big Lebowski" even the insecure males can get onboard.

-Nope, it was the other one.