Notlob McGee

Stephen King did it alright….as "The Running Man."  It's creepy when fiction predicts the future, but living in this amalgamation of Idiocracy, The Running Man, and Fahrenheit 451?  Terrifying.

P-jokes PDF is right.  Check out Matt Zoller Seitz's review on NYMAG.com.  It's just a list of all the jokes and premises.  Now THAT'S a stand-up comedy review gone wrong.  At least Kyle tried to be spoiler-free.  (Though now I'm
extra pissed I didn't see C.K.'s tour this year.  What was that missing joke!?!)

Bingo.  You wanted so badly to keep watching, to be supportive, but the show wouldn't let you, am I right?  I can remember sitcoms that barely inspired a "meh" from me, but this one actually made me angry.

Bingo.  You wanted so badly to keep watching, to be supportive, but the show wouldn't let you, am I right?  I can remember sitcoms that barely inspired a "meh" from me, but this one actually made me angry.

Well played.

Well played.

Sadly, no.  They played a set of twins who were the Partners' rivals from their old firm.  That is as much as I know, because I couldn't get past their first scene in their first episode.  I LOVE Randy and Jason, but Partners' writers managed to make even the Sklars' trademark back-and-forth riffing style

Sadly, no.  They played a set of twins who were the Partners' rivals from their old firm.  That is as much as I know, because I couldn't get past their first scene in their first episode.  I LOVE Randy and Jason, but Partners' writers managed to make even the Sklars' trademark back-and-forth riffing style

Yes indeed.  Reminded me of her Clobberella outfit too.  (A less on-the-nose homage than this one.  Still a great reference.)

Yes indeed.  Reminded me of her Clobberella outfit too.  (A less on-the-nose homage than this one.  Still a great reference.)

I think the best mall episode, for out-and-out hilarity, is "If Boys Were Girls" from Malcolm in the Middle.  It's actually about something, and it gives everyone funny moments.  The mall is a part of the story, not the entire premise.

I think the best mall episode, for out-and-out hilarity, is "If Boys Were Girls" from Malcolm in the Middle.  It's actually about something, and it gives everyone funny moments.  The mall is a part of the story, not the entire premise.

I suppose Notlob IS a pretty funny word, but I'd forgotten that it's from more than just the "Dead Parrot" sketch.  Oops.

I suppose Notlob IS a pretty funny word, but I'd forgotten that it's from more than just the "Dead Parrot" sketch.  Oops.

Why all the Voyager hate?  I've never heard anyone give reasons, just hate.  Is it the annoying characters (Kes, Harry Kim), the casting-for-ratings (Jeri Ryan/Seven of Nine), or does everyone just hate a female Captain?  I really do want to know what everyone thinks.

Why all the Voyager hate?  I've never heard anyone give reasons, just hate.  Is it the annoying characters (Kes, Harry Kim), the casting-for-ratings (Jeri Ryan/Seven of Nine), or does everyone just hate a female Captain?  I really do want to know what everyone thinks.

Great episodes for DS9, except I'd replace "The Visitor" with "The Wire"

Great episodes for DS9, except I'd replace "The Visitor" with "The Wire"

Finally got around to watching "Space Seed" - I wonder if it will make the top ten?  Frankly, everything in the episode that ISN'T Khan is pretty weak.  I feel like the tie-in  to "Wrath of Khan" elevates this episode beyond what it deserves.  I mean, Kirk's historian commits treason to be with Khan, and the movie

Finally got around to watching "Space Seed" - I wonder if it will make the top ten?  Frankly, everything in the episode that ISN'T Khan is pretty weak.  I feel like the tie-in  to "Wrath of Khan" elevates this episode beyond what it deserves.  I mean, Kirk's historian commits treason to be with Khan, and the movie