Tim Isola

Huh? This is Mad Men, the entire series is slow. What are u talkin about lol. The season has been dull up until the last few eps, but theres a difference between dull and slow, Mad Men has always had a slow pace, but it was so profound and introspective most of the time that it overtook you and was so unique and

How freakin awesome is Arya…

I don't know. The show has been very dull and dreary, it hasn't had any of that profound mad men magic that every other season has had. I liked last weeks episode and thought this was a marked improvement over that one. This was more like a Mad Men episode id come to expect.

I despised season 1 of this show, and for a lot more reasons than not telling us who killed Rosie, it was just a bad show in every way possible, other than the premiere. I didn't even bother watching season 2. But I have to say, now that they've done away with the Larsen story and are on something completely new im

The problem with the show is that 10 episodes just isn't enough. Theres just way too many characters and different storylines going on. The show would be so much better if they could just add 2 more, but they insist 10 is the most they can afford to make.  So you get scattered finales. I thought it was ok, obviously

Ive voiced my displeasure with this season of Mad Men, up until this point I didn't find one episode to be great. I don't know if I would call this one great either but it was probably by far the best of the season, and no surprise it had a lot of focus on Sally, who had a very diminished role this season, she lifts

Hell yes, best show to come out in years, love it.

Yea those are easily my top 2 as well. Lost would be like number 6 on my list, but I still think its great. And so if you grew to dislike it, you at least agree with me about season 1 right?

Id hardly call the smoke monster and Jacob minor, smoke monster was around since season 1 and you started hearing about Jacob in season 3 and didn't see hin till the s5 finale. For me I was dying to know more about these 2, as they were the most mysterious figures on the show and loved "across the sea". And the same

Exactly. Were you not a fan of the show in general or were you just frustrated by certain things? If its the latter, I have to say that all shows frustrate one way or another, take my favorite show Breaking Bad, I despise Skylar and can barely stomach her scenes, have to fast fwd them during rewatches. Same goes for

Yea I can see being frustrated with some unanswered mysteries. But for me I consider this without a doubt one of the best shows ever made, def the best network show ever. And if you look at it more as a character study, and they sure as hell had a great cast that made you care very much about these characters, gave

Agreed, I attempted that here, if you care to partake…

Another thing I noticed on the rewatch that right near the end of the ep you hear don tell dawn to get his wife on the phone, but that's where they leave it, you don't see if he ever gets in touch with her. So until we actually see the next episode this theory seems believable.

The Wire isn't over praised. Yea it doesn't look pretty like Breaking Bad and you'd be surprised how many little important details you pick up the 2nd time or even the 3rd time around. Its not the greatest show of all time IMO, like some think, Breaking Bad is, Deadwood , but the Wire is right up there, its a show

Absolutely, I think any show that doesn't require a rewatch or multiple rewatches isn't worth my time. And for 2 reasons, 1- its complex and needs further scrutinizing to catch everything and 2- its just awesome and you wanna watch it over and over.  If a show doesn't require a rewatch or just makes you want to

I made a mistake by posting spoilers…….. I have since added a nice big spoiler warning. I never insisted that the rules are stupid and unfair I don't know where u got that from, in fact I said I didnt see the rule and would follow it going forward. I just gave my opinion of what I believe constitutes a spoiler.  Can

That was a really clever analogy Ding L. Berry. I tip servers, far as the spoiler topic, ill leave it alone because most people that complain about them are psychotic and will go on arguing for days, so I put a big ass spoiler tag , as requested by some other pain in the ass, now hopefully you can all relax.

Happy? You obviously crave drama and have a lot of anger issues, its only an internet comment about a tv show, try to calm down, deep breaths …and really you should have that shit deleted with all the name calling.

agreed, Riceburner was awful and season 3 was the worst season for a ton of reasons especially the first half with Claudette running the strike team. But the marked money, safe stealing, Margos, and other strike team shenanigans carried it. The last 3 episodes of the season after riceburner are fuckin awesome though.

I didn't mind this episode at all, liked it actually. The problem I have with it is that it implies that when Vic and the strike team plant evidence that its like the first time hes doing shit like that and he was a straight up cop before that. I just cant buy with the way he carried himself the whole series that him