Tim Isola

Now I gotta rewatch this episode again, ugh, cause I hated all the stuff with Joan, and peggy covering for her for that matter, ill have to fast fwd just to the Don Cali scenes to further scrutinize this.

Yea im thinkin Don comes home to a dead Megan, she dies while hes out there.

Ok thanks for clarifying that. That would make sense that I wouldn't recall that because Ive found this season to be by far their weakest and haven't been as into the episodes. If hes missing a limb he probably went to Vietnam got blown up and died. Hense Don seeing ghosts.

That's it, I was about to post the same thing. He pushed her down to protect her, that seemed very clear.

That actually does make sense and its a great way to get rid of Megan whos got way too much time devoted to her and has been a major reason the show has dropped off in quality. That is true he probably was temporarily dead from drowning and Roger revived him, all the points this guy makes sound right. Who the hell is

where what?

@ lionofdharma, first of all …LOL, 2nd u must be blind because I clearly stated above that I didn't read the stray observations and would do that in the future, 3rd you sound psychotic and make very little sense considering I had no malicious intent what so ever in making that post, its nothing but positivity about

I still couldn't tell you what happened at the end. Despite everyones theories. I have a few but don't feel like getting into it lol.

The reason "That's my Dog was so awesome was because it came out of nowhere, it happened in episode 5 of that season and you were just left in such shock afterwards. And anytime a show does that I applaud it. That is one of the series best, as well as the following episode "Terror Starts at Home", one of my favorite

Fair enough, ill do that in the future. I didn't get down to the stray observations cause the review was so damn long and I know the show well enough that I don't really need a total recap. But my stance on spoilers stands.

I don't know, I found it really entertaing, especially the episodes where tonys in the hospital you referred to, shes loved the guy for like 25 years I have no problem believing shes got all those feelings, and she played the shit out of that part, plus its easier when someone is on the verge of death and unconscious

I included Louie, that's a half hour. And I remember watching All in the Family, I love Lucy , etc in re-runs in the mid 80s when I was like 5 years old and pretty much following it. Again, I just think the cable drama series took tv to such new heights that its so far superior to anything that came before.

When you have a show that ended 8 years ago , a show that's one of the greatest of all time, if you haven't made the effort to watch it by now its on you, especially someone who reads and posts on boards like this, you must obviously be very into good tv, so im not concerned with "spoilers". That only applies to

Season 6 is brilliant, there is so much there, so much to it. When I was younger I used to be of the mind that the early seasons were the best, simpler more action more violence. But as Ive gotten older I developed a new appreciation for the later seasons and now my favorite season is season 5, which includes what I

The Shield at 72 lol……I have no words. The whole top 10 should be shows post 99 because that's when TV went to another level. That's when shows came around that required effort from its audience and asked you to think. Those old sitcoms and other nonsense ranked above so many genius shows are just mind numbing


Totally agree. I always loved the pace of the show, it over took me and put me in a relaxed happy state to be watching such genius, now its the bad kinda slow where its like "show me something already". Theres not one thing going on that I care about.

I'm not saying its bad, i wouldn't miss an episode, but its not up to its own standards, this is the weakest season by a mile…..Normally when Mad Men is airing , there is no question that its the best show currently airing, but Game of Thrones is destroying it this season.

In every other mad men season the middle episodes tended to be the best ones like episodes 3-10, last season 4-8 was probably the best set of consecutive episodes they've ever done, if we haven't gotten one great one by now I don't have a lot of hope for the last 3. Should of never had peggy leave, should of never

I definitely agree about this season, very dull, not one great episode, by Mad Men standards anyway. But seasons 4 and 5 were as great seasons of TV as you'll ever see, so I disagree there, but the show was so much better set in the early 60s. It just feels "off" now.