Tim Isola

No it wouldn't. It was an incredible moment leading to one of the most amazing endings ever.

OH and my prediction: He's gonna use that machine gun on Hank, Jesse, drug crews who've killed his family, and anyone else that's wronged him , and then he's gonna use the Ricin on himself. The irony of that, after 5 seasons of talking about using Ricin, it will ultimately be Walt himself who he uses it on.

The way Jesse is continuing his never ending cycle of moping around and feeling guilty, I could totally see him flipping and talking to the DEA and giving up Walt.  Which means he has to die. I really hope when Walt gets in touch with him and tells him whats going on it lights a fire under his ass and he gets together

Last season I was under the impression that Walt wasn't aware of the inscription by Gale in the book. I figured he must of skipped over it when he read it. I cant believe he'd just leave that out knowing that was in there and how highly the possibility was that Hank could come across it considering Hank and Marie seem

I'd love to see Lydia, or anyone for that matter kill Skylar.  As for Jesse, aren't you getting a little tired of his guilty depressed bitch mode? Its been going on since season 3 with a only a brief reprieve the first few eps of 5A.

Yea he did it a few times, it reminded me so much of how Gus would act behind the counter at Pollos when Walt came in to see him,. And also when he put down the towel when he was vomiting.

First of all, Low Winter Sun I thought was really good. Definitely the best show AMC has put out since MM and BB. I think it has massive potential. 2nd these final 8 episodes are so packed with story that every scene, every minute, every second is so crucial and high impact that they cant afford to show much in the

That closing scene instantly goes into the pantheon of greatest television scenes of all time.

Go back to season 3 when Walt moves back in the house and Skylar locks herself in the bedroom. Walt is knocking on the door asking to use the bathroom and she wont open it so he hadda go piss in the sink. They have never shown another bathroom in that house, which is pretty ridiculous.

The sopranos ending was and still is one of the biggest slaps in the face to the audience of all time. No matter how many existential theories people wanna come up with about what happened, it was weak and insulting. I just think Chase didn't wanna do the two obvious endings of him dying or going to jail and wasn't

I agree with you about Jesse i'm definitely sick of seeing him in depressed guilty little bitch mode. And I despise Skylar, would like to see her meet a brutal death. But if you feel this way why do you even watch it, im catching a total hate vibe from you.

I think that's the only one they have in the house. Never seen a different one. That's why when Skylar was on her power trip, locking walt out of the bedroom he had to piss in the sink. That must be a pain in the balls when Walt Jr gets up in the middle of the night to take a piss and you gotta be woken up by his

You hate the creator of the best show in tv history? Smart guy you must be.

That's exactly what she meant, she was saying "yea as if that fucking idiot would be reading a Walt Whitman book".

KILL EM ALL Walt! (lil tribute there to the 30th anniversary of one of the greatest metal albums of all time)  Best fuckin tread lightly son………..Hope he uses that M60 on Hank or Jesse if he continues to be in depressed bitch mode, ive seen enough of that. Show some loyalty to the guy whose saved your ass more times

I'd just fast fwd it every time a funeral scene came on and get myself back to the awesome massacre that id been waiting for. Obviously I could do this because the greatest show in the history of television came back tonight and anyone who was actually watching this at 9pm must be some kind of moron…….I really wanted

Why the hell don't you grade the episodes. That's the only reason I have for even coming on this site and this show  and especially this perfect season of television is worthy of freakin grades. Same with Deadwood, Freaks n Geeks, The Shield, all the greatest shows of all time don't get grades. You can write a novel

I know what you should do, stop watching right now, its bad enough someone like you watched up to this point.

I liked the first half of your comment
