Tim Isola

Been wondering the same thing. But his last scene left it like he might of been planning to kill himself. But if hes still around , the times are a lot more accepting but as I commented below, this show has just flat out lost something this season, I don't know that he' make that much of a difference.

This show has lost its magic. 10 episodes in now and I haven't found one of them to be the usual profound deep amazing thought provoking quality ive come to expect. The characters are duller, the storylines, the season has just had a dull tone to me. Last season was amazing, magic, this season feels completely

You just summed up in one sentence all there is to the main character of Justified….."Sharp wit and shooting ability". That's really all there is to him. 4 seasons now and we still haven't see him open up , or break down, or let loose, or talk in depth about anything….the scene with Dickie in the woods during season

what a stupid name……trying wayyyy too hard to be unique, just name her fuckin Samantha….Amantha, hell is that?

Agreed pretty much across the board. Although FX gets away with ALOT. Just about the only thing they don't do on that channel is say FUCK or show tits and prolonged penetration sex scenes, other than that they pretty much do whatever they want.

"this brand of face-branding"

True, see, they had so many its hard to remember them all. FX produces high quality shows on a very consistent basis. But I gave up on that show. I watched season 1 and was intrigued by it, appreciated the acting, but kinda got the feel that it was a format type show that was gonna follow the same format episode after

I agree with you that season 4 is the best season of the wire overall start to finish, but for me the greatest season of all time would have to be either 3 or 4 of breaking bad. And the greatest stretch of the wire for me is episodes 8-13 of season 3, the fall of avon and stringer , omar and brother mouzone, that EPIC

But you have seen all those shows and you still rank BB as #1? is what I was asking originally……And see, there are just so many amazing dramas from that era that Six Feet Under, the show I was fighting about wouldn't place higher than 7th on the list, nor would The Sopranos, so obviously those have to be on the list,

LoL, they came out in droves discussing a show in a review where the name VM should never even be uttered lol…….thanks for the support in this bloody battle bro lol

could of been when she was sitting high up either standing or kneeling up looking back to see who was behind them and Stan shot from the front and hit her in that spoit.

yea in the deleted scenes they have one where Dutch finds out that shes an anorexic or bulimic and he goes and tells Aceveda that maybe that's something they could use against her, but they never show that on the actual show.

The Big Good, that's a good one, call her whatever you want, but shes just an annoying in the way pain in the fucking ass that could not get off my screen quick enough.

Yea I guess the point of this show is really to just show the cold war from the Russian operatives point of view. But following this family that's pretty much American in every other way , with 2 kids and a romance that you cant help but root for  , its hard not to be on their side.


I don't know that's kinda harsh. I think the first half of season 2 of homeland was brilliant. Ep 5 "Q & A" was one of the best episodes of TV of the year and the scene at the end of the previous episode where Carrie finally got her revenge on Brody as they stormed into his hotel room and she got to tell him he's a

yea I just read that exact same thing, eh. I hope we see a lot of the serial killer and a lot of sick twisted shit from that end, because another cop/detective trying to catch a bad guy show is the last thing we need.

Yep youre right I forgot Nip/Tuck and I feel the exact same way as you. I watched the first 2 seasons , was somewhat interested in them, but mostly as a guilty pleasure, but then after that I just couldn't do it anymore lol. Rescue Me sucked as well, at least to me it did, everytime I tried giving it a shot I just

You like this show better than Homeland season1 ? Or did I read you incorrectly? For me its close, but I gotta give Homeland the nod, as great as this show is.

Yea I know, that's always the concern you face, especially with shows like this, but really how high of ratings could they possibly be expecting to keep this show going. I mean how many people even know Sundance Channel exists, ya know? So I wouldn't worry too much about it.