Tim Isola

I def think he brings that cool masculinity as you call it, especially the last 2 seasons or so, hes become brutal and bad ass as hell, bashing that prison guards brains in with the small world snow globe would be one example, so im not sure what youre not seeing.

I dunno, Jax didn't look all that upset that she was being taken away and he looked mad as hell rippin up those papers, but youre probably right, he's gonna puss out

Yea he did a great job as Nero, surprised me. A lot of people started bitching about the Sons since season 3, but I think once they got to Ireland season 3 was awesome, and the finale was one of the most amazing, satisfying finales ever. Season 4 was the only , I don't wanna say "bad" one, because even that had its

He was only that in the pilot, they made it very clear in season 1 that  that was all bullshit and he just used that as a tactic to recruit more people to work for him. He never really believed in any of that shit.

I'm glad Tara's going, Gemma schooled her ass. I hated what she was doing with giving Wendy custody rights, loved that Jax ripped up the papers, hope he leaves her in there to rot.

My prediction for how the series ends:

Thanks, I think that was somewhat of an apology down below, and if it was , accepted, no problem. For the record ive never seen the Big Lebowski, I have the dvd, maybe I was just in a bad mood the day I watched it because I shut it off in the middle.

He shot Devil in season 3. But you have it on the money, Boyd's inner struggle is by far the most fascinating part of the show and the reason I watch it…..My criticisms are about this season in particular, It was a much deeper show in seasons 2 and 3. It'll be real interesting to see what they do with season 5. I

Nope, quite the contrary, I know that there aren't. I know most of whats on TV is shit and the only show of that caliber is Breaking Bad, the greatest show ever made.  I just held Justified in higher regard than I should have. Sure I didn't expect the Detroit Mob to win , but for Boyd who has clearly been established

That was incidental, he shot that guy cause the cop hitman said "if you don't get out of my way im gonna shoot you, music to Raylans ears, he gets to shoot another person.

Murderous drug dealers, that's interesting. Like Boyd is just any regular criminal. Not like they haven't known each other since they were kids, dug coal together, as both have mentioned as a major Kentucky bonding type of thing. If you know the show I don't have to rehash the times Boyd saved Raylan, and ill bet you

I don't hate it, I love it, if I hated it I wouldn't watch it, wouldn't spend this much time writing about it. I hated this season. I'm not looking for anyone to agree with me, just giving my thoughts on each episode, that is what this board is for isn't it? I love this show, am so passionate about it, that's why im

Yes I am happy about that, that's the one silver lining, but Boyd was too heartbroken to be happy about it, as the Love of his life is being hauled off to jail (another instance of Raylan being a total fucking asshole trying to tell Boyd he doesn't love her in their car ride, such a dick)….and please call me Tim, I

Id like to think he was staring at Arlo's freshly dug grave and headstone and actually feeling something for his dad, his mom , his aunt, the way he grew up, but mostly id like to think hes feeling something for Arlo, but nah, hes just too cold for that…….I loved how a few episodes back he was trying to "figure out"

why? They used some terrible rushed version of the never leave Harlan alive song, that's one thing that ruined it, why else will it stay with you a long time?

Another "A" huh? You must be a fan of lazy predictable TV where threats are just threats, no real consequences and the good guy always wins.

Don't know why it wont let me reply to your new comment so I gotta reply to this one. I watched Terriers weekly and then got the wonderful news. You've never seen The Wire and The Shield? Wow. 2 of the top 5 shows of all time and possibly why you don't have as much of an appreciation for Walton Goggins as you should.

you know what, after this bullshit episode, and the bullshit happily ever after ending I know the finale is gonna be, at least for Raylan, I actually put SOA above this show precisely for having the balls to go there. I cant tell u how tired I am of Boyd taking loss after loss after loss, hes such an amazing character

To show that they are not to be fucked with and that they've taken enough losses and they've had it…..P.Rock is right, this just isn't that serious of a show and its a real shame cause it could be. It def was after season 2 even tho "the good guys won" it was deeper and more introspective and just had more meat to it.

Been very disappointed with this season, so much potential but nothing really seems to happen. No consequences. The showrunners don't have the courage to "go there". Hence, there will always be a "good guy" popping up at the last minute to save the day and its becoming boring and cliche. I knew Ellen May wasn't gonna