Tim Isola

I love Breaking Bad

I love Breaking Bad



forget it so not worth it.

forget it so not worth it.

Should of got an A from the cold open alone, as that was the coolest most badass thing this show ever did, on par with "Stay out of my territory". …I am a huge Walter White fan, so I was really pissed that they made him seem all scared and apologetic after killing Mike. If ever there was a killing to take pleasure in,

Should of got an A from the cold open alone, as that was the coolest most badass thing this show ever did, on par with "Stay out of my territory". …I am a huge Walter White fan, so I was really pissed that they made him seem all scared and apologetic after killing Mike. If ever there was a killing to take pleasure in,

All I wanna see out of this season is Boyd learn the truth about Johnny and do what needs to be done and have nothing get in the way of that. I wanna see Boyd and Ava make it out alive and somehow prospering with the backing of Theo Tonin. I want to see the Marshalls take some kind of loss, because its getting a

Sutter is actually a great actor. He didn't get to play Margos that much , but his work on SOA as Otto, man he can really act, some of the most powerful scenes on that show are the Otto scenes, such a tragic figure.

just for the fuck of it lol, to show hes nuts

Thanks for the props, As I said, this is one of my favorite episodes of the series. After the first 2 when the Terry Crowly shit started to die down , this is the episode that showed you what this show was all about, credit to Kurt Sutter , as this was his first script and ill say again, he wrote some of the best and

The first 2 seasons of SOA are GREAT, it takes a few eps to get going but for me ep 5 of season 1 , the tattoo removal scene blew me away, for me that's when I knew the show was for real. Episodes 8 till the end are all amazing, powerful , bad ass with the music (as it is throughout the series) Epsiodes like

Totally agree, first 3 eps of season 6 are incredible…when Vic knocks on Kavanughs door and tells him he just stepped on an entirely new playing field, etc, ultimate badass moment right there, obviously the Guardo torture, some of the most brutal shit ever televised on basic cable, "Chasing Ghosts" one of the all time

The Wire is also a huge ensemble cast , that's 1 of many reasons why multiple viewings are recommended for that show, the first few episodes youre just trying to figure out who everyone is along with whats going on on the show, the wire was revolutionary, its a show that you had to teach yourself how to watch, its a

Stringer is Stringer Bell from The Wire, his real name is Russel, Stringer is a nickname. So I assume you haven't seen the Wire, add that to your list of must watch. I just thought you were referring to that because he's one of the best characters ever and that's a major season for him.

Whos obsessed with who now?

No i never have. I usually post on boards that are much more civil where commenters are courtious to one another , know shows inside and out and engage in intellectual discussion or if need be civil debate. Only reason i was drawn to this site, which im fairly new to was because i like the episode by episode grading

I am fairly new to this board so i was not aware of that, thats Good cause thats the only way this show getting A ratings could possibly be justified. Still doesnt sit well with me. You guys love to attack on this board, any comment someone disagrees with is met with constant sarcasm and viciousness.

What else dont i know? "Enlighten" me oh wise one….As i stated above im fairly new to this board, wanna attack me in some way for that too? Have at it….Or are you inferring i dont know alot more than that about life in general based off an internet comment about a TV show?