Tim Isola

so did i lol……one time doin time for a longggg time….

yea see the quote you referenced below is the one i heard Ryan make regarding that final montage and the Julien reveal. I personally dont have a problem with how they did that and actually think it was the right call to delay that a bit and get to know him more. I think youre puttting a litttle bit too emphasis on the

And how about Vic almost missing the money train heist to help solve a fucking claudette case, i mean are you kidding me lol? Those kinda inconsistencies about Vic always drove me insane.

I love season 4, it goes under the radar, but some of the best moments of the series came out of that season. I dont know what youre up to so i wont go into detail but the closing scene of ep 5 is devistating and episodes 8-11 are 4 of the best of the entire series.

Thats not why it was cut out of the montage, they just wanted that reveal of him being gay to come a little bit later on, not in the first episode. Thats what Shawn Ryan said in the dvd extra about that montage.

I think it would of seemed more organic if it built up over the course of a couple seasons. Shes all cool with him in season 1 and then hates him right off the bat in season 2, it happened too quick, and it especially contradicts what she says about him in the Pilot. To me it felt like the show was in a rush to get a

"I felt this way about Mad Men’s fifth season, I felt it about Louie’s second, and I felt it about Breaking Bad’s third, and in all cases, I ended up ranking that show first when the year was said and done."

Gilroy did that shit in Vics house after Vic started looking into him and fucking with him, if u go back and rewatch youll see, they were "back in business" as Gilroy put it. It was just a really stupid move on Vics part to have the assistant chief on his side getting his back, with all the shit Vic was into. And he

Its just simply not as good a show. It had the potential to be after the first 2 seasons. But its clear that Sutter is better as a writer (some of the best eps of the shield were written by him)  then he is as a showrunner. He's forcing 7 seasons by overloading SOA with plot, its not getting to that point organically.


Another thing is just the raw gritty feel this show had, the show is the epitomy of "The Golden Age" show, it just ended a few years ago, wow 5 years now. So much has changed in those 5 years, and i think all this heavy technology, every character on current shows on smart phones, social media, it just takes the raw

I called it 2 or 3 episodes ago, Shelby being Drew, go back check it out and then praise me, for i am a genius…lol


I was always a huge Vic fan, but he lost me in that final season. I was totally on Shanes side, for several reasons. Im a huge Walton Goggins fan, and the job hes doing on Justified now is just reinforcing how great he is. Shane was always there for Vic right wiht him thru everything, while Lem was always a problem,

Very happy to see you going back and reviewing this series. Definitely one of the top 5 series of all time, i bounce around with my rankings depending on mood, but this is an all time classic. Best final season, best series finale and BEST PILOT. Had me addicted from episode 1. For the most part of this episode, youre

its def shelby, many clues point that waY in this episode as i said below….He asked about the widow like 5 times and the necklace Ellen Mae found was some saint, and one of the things he was a saint of was pilots, and Drew was a pilot, so its Shelby, who i already despise for crossing Boyd, so i wanna see him die very

Another reason im glad to see Boyd getting hooked up with the Detroit mob is the small, weak, mess of a crew he has on his hands. Colton is a badass , who if he was sober and reliable would be a great assett to Boyd, and Johnny is crippled and plotting Boyd's demise behind his back. Not a very formidable crew. I think

i take back the balls comment lol

Pretty sure it was his house but u could be right, id have to rewatch, either way it seems he has a rich wife and shes probably the reason hes in there. But again, i think its writing on the fly, which doesnt work as well for this show as it does for others, as i seriously doubt they had this planned for season 4 last

This is easily the greatest final season to any show ever made, starting at the end of episode 7 with "hows ya jaw feeling" i've never seen such intense amazing spell binding mesmeriziing well acted tv…..For me I consider this the greatest single episode in TV history , its between this and "MIddle Ground" of The