Tim Isola

Best episode of the season without a doubt as i knew it would be, as i mentioned in last weeks comments,  when i saw the ep title was "OUTLAW" knew it would be Boyd-centric, which will always take it up a few notches, couple that with the fantastic Raylan/Arlo moments and you have Justified at its finest…But Raylan in

Agreed. Especially the Boyd comments. You have one of the best characters on TV played by one of the best actors around, so you may wanna bump him off and make the show 100 times worse and back into the mediocre horse shit it was in the first half of season 1 because he carries the show and upstages Olyphant so much.

This is an A+ episode

Thank you. I mean just go take a look at season 4 of Breaking Bad and look at some of the episodes that got "B" grades, freakin "Hermanos" for one, "Box Cutter for another one, two of the best eps of TV all year that year. Its laughable, but ive said many times the reviewer of that show doesnt really get it. I think

And i wonder if were gonna see Limehouse this season. Boyd should be curious who told him about Devil sholdnt he? At this point i think Limehouse would be willing to give up that info for the right price. And it would just be great to see him again. Awesome character.

Another question i have. How is Napier so rich? Last season he was Sheriff of shitkicker county Harlan and came off as one himself, now perhaps he could of bought that house with the Quarles money but Boyd said these parties been goin on for years, legend, etc. I think this is a case of writing on the fly , as you go,

Oh and nice to see Bernard from Lost playin a character with some balls, cause there wasnt a much bigger pussy on Lost than freakin Bernard lol.

Best episode after what i thought was a string of weak ones, obviously the Boyd scenes were the strongest, and the next weeks, episode 8, titled "Outlaw" def gonna be Boyd centric and i really hope hes starts settling accounts takin control and droppin bodies. Historically, episode 8 is where the show really takes off

Absolutely agree, Walton Goggins is probably my favorite actor, either him or Cranston. Goggins has now played 2 amazing roles on 2 amazing shows, i cant decide if i like him better as Shane or Boyd, probably Boyd cause he's cooler and colorful with more personality but its a very close call in my book. Just like the

This show gets way too many "A" grades. If thats the top grade this site gives than it needs to be reserved for the Elite shows on tv, and this aint one of em, this was a decent episode, for a show i really dont like, i watch more out of morbid curiousity and cause i think Marnie is hot.

youre probably too fucking dumb to get any of it and it flies over your head, this show is a masterpiece and should of been the next great one, i write this as im up late rewatching it. You probably couldnt keep up with Deadwood either. Common boy

u think theyre actually gonna let Jeremey die? Bonnie will do some witch spell and magically save him, or he'll come back as a ghost, no one of any consequence ever dies on this show, thats why i cant take it seriously, no real consequences to anything. Only reason i watch is because Damon is so awesome, and so is

Another very weak episode saved only by its final scene. Everytime i hear the name Drew Thompson i say to myself, who gives a shit??….This show could be so much more than it is, all on its own just with all the backstabbing and lies going on in Boyds camp, Johnny, Shelby, and now Colton he cant even count on. But

This is anohter reply for Jonathan Dewar up above there: I'm the one who took the time out to write long well thought out comments and i get replies like "can we flag for idiocy?", "apparently people can comment from prison these days" WTF kind of contribution is that???. I usually comment on Alans board, but decided

Listen Jonathan, i cant reply directly to u for some fucked up reason, so ill just hope u get it by me replying to myself. Yes i do love the show and im passionate about it and if you take the time to go back and reaD both of my posts , it was ME who was attacked personally by all these nasty commenters, and THEN i

Raylan and Boyd are the Co-stars of this show, in every episode of every season, theres the Raylan story and theres the Boyd story. Boyd is not a 1 season "BIg Bad". So fuck yes im rooting for Boyd as he's a layered, conflicted, multi-dimensional character. Only time this was Raylans show was the first half of season

He owes Boyd his life and if he was too stupid to figure out what the arrangement would be once he became sherriff he shoulda refused Boyd's offer and gone on as a "greeter"…backstabin son of a bitch…..and no, apparently you do no love Boyd, u wanna see "Shelby" bring him down, that mutt

Walton Goggins is one of the top 3 actors on TV and his character on this show outright carrries it on his back, every time he's on screen the show is kicked up several notches….maybe u havent seen the shield, or maybe u have and ur not smart enough to recognize his greatness on that show either , but either way,

u mean people who know a show inside and out and can apply logic to a well thought out articulate post it and reference shit off the top of his head from episodes that happened in prior seasons? Or were you talking about yourself? If so congrats, how long is left on your bit? Jerkoff

I'm rooting for Boyd because he's played by one of the finest most charismatic actors on TV….if this show is as SIMPLE as the good guy wins, then yea i guess i do need to re-evaluate, not how i watch it, but my thoughts on this show, i thought this was a show with characters with strong deep dynamics to them, but i