Tim Isola

Dont buy it. Last thing we see is Tony's face looking up at the door. But the more i think about it, i dont think it really matters either way. I think Todd is more on the money as this being Chase's more bitter cynical take on American life in general, nothing has any meaning and its getting worse and worse and by

Dont buy it. Last thing we see is Tony's face looking up at the door. But the more i think about it, i dont think it really matters either way. I think Todd is more on the money as this being Chase's more bitter cynical take on American life in general, nothing has any meaning and its getting worse and worse and by

The show does not cut to black from Tony's point of view, we are looking at Tony when it cuts to black, meaning it cuts to black from OUR point of view, the audience. The show got whacked, or we did, its all black, its all a big nothing, simple. Tony does not die. Made in America is to simply show life goes on for

The show does not cut to black from Tony's point of view, we are looking at Tony when it cuts to black, meaning it cuts to black from OUR point of view, the audience. The show got whacked, or we did, its all black, its all a big nothing, simple. Tony does not die. Made in America is to simply show life goes on for

I happen to be rewatching season 2 of Justified right now, one of the greatest seasons in tv history IMO, so im browsing some reviews. You gave some bullshit Raylan/Winona episode an A and a brilliant masterpiece like this one an A-???? Thats fucking insane bro, the scene with Raylan and Dickie in the woods alone is

@ Stugotz….i just saw this now , browsing replies, i dont give the commenters on this site much credence…again, no just injecting common sense logic.But anyway, go fuck urself you lowlife mutt….pussy

@ Stugotz….i just saw this now , browsing replies, i dont give the commenters on this site much credence…again, no just injecting common sense logic.But anyway, go fuck urself you lowlife mutt….pussy

Ding Dong Laguerta's Dead

Ding Dong Laguerta's Dead

Glad to hear you mention that funeral scene from Six Feet Under, one of the greatest shows of all time. That show was amazing, introspective, innovative, brilliant, shit im running out of adjectives. His acting is phenominal throughout that series……Hes such a great actor and the only reason iwatch this show, your

Glad to hear you mention that funeral scene from Six Feet Under, one of the greatest shows of all time. That show was amazing, introspective, innovative, brilliant, shit im running out of adjectives. His acting is phenominal throughout that series……Hes such a great actor and the only reason iwatch this show, your

I watch Dexter because season 1 was great, innovative and MCH is brilliant, and season 2 was pretty great for the most part as well. But its a mediocre show now of low quality that showtime stretched out because it gets good ratings meaning common folk can easily  follow it.

I watch Dexter because season 1 was great, innovative and MCH is brilliant, and season 2 was pretty great for the most part as well. But its a mediocre show now of low quality that showtime stretched out because it gets good ratings meaning common folk can easily  follow it.

Whatever im just so glad to see that fucking twat Laguerta be put down. I hate the concept that someone is "innocent" just because they havent killled someone. That bitch has played so many shady games, fucked so many people over. I just wish dexter got to have a little chat with her b4 Deb got there, and i really

Whatever im just so glad to see that fucking twat Laguerta be put down. I hate the concept that someone is "innocent" just because they havent killled someone. That bitch has played so many shady games, fucked so many people over. I just wish dexter got to have a little chat with her b4 Deb got there, and i really

How come no one can ever review this show like a man. For anyone that needs a reminder of "poor" wendy the victim of "evil" Jax, go back and watch the series pilot and watch her shooting crank with a huge pregnant belly. Shes the last person that should ever criticize how someone lives their lives. I was praying he

How come no one can ever review this show like a man. For anyone that needs a reminder of "poor" wendy the victim of "evil" Jax, go back and watch the series pilot and watch her shooting crank with a huge pregnant belly. Shes the last person that should ever criticize how someone lives their lives. I was praying he

None of these are great or interesting characters, and thats the problem with a show thats totally character driven and very little plot driven, why i find it dull and only watch it out of loyalty to Simon.

None of these are great or interesting characters, and thats the problem with a show thats totally character driven and very little plot driven, why i find it dull and only watch it out of loyalty to Simon.

God,whats it take to get an "A" around here? The end scene of episode 3 alone "i was right", chill inducing moment, that alone was good enough to warrant an "A-". But this well earned moment we've all been waiting for, which couldnt of beeen played any better deserves an "A". This show is hitting hard on all