Tim Isola

God,whats it take to get an "A" around here? The end scene of episode 3 alone "i was right", chill inducing moment, that alone was good enough to warrant an "A-". But this well earned moment we've all been waiting for, which couldnt of beeen played any better deserves an "A". This show is hitting hard on all

the comments on this board are fucking pathetic, i expected to see shit like wow, amazing , oh my fucking god, most intense shti ive ever seen , greatest show of all time, instead first comments i read are about "Doug and Mel"…..very sad….And i dont know who this Donna Bowman is or how in the hell she got the

Not at all, but thank u for reminding me of the the level of comments and replies you get on this site, later.

Not at all, but thank u for reminding me of the the level of comments and replies you get on this site, later.

When you say everything would of been ok if he had just put his head down and worked for Fring, you of course mean if Walt let mike and gus murder Jesse like they wanted to do instead of saving his life and causing the war of season 4 then everything would of been ok right? Cause thats what you and everyone else

When you say everything would of been ok if he had just put his head down and worked for Fring, you of course mean if Walt let mike and gus murder Jesse like they wanted to do instead of saving his life and causing the war of season 4 then everything would of been ok right? Cause thats what you and everyone else

You idiots should really watch the series from the beginning and count how many times Walt has saved Jesse's life, or saved him from himself. He cares for this kid so much, put himself on the line for him so many times when he could of easily let him swing for it and made life so much easier on himself. Jesse on the

You idiots should really watch the series from the beginning and count how many times Walt has saved Jesse's life, or saved him from himself. He cares for this kid so much, put himself on the line for him so many times when he could of easily let him swing for it and made life so much easier on himself. Jesse on the

THat was an awful review, you are clearly not qualified to write about what may have been the greatest episode in tv history, the way u described the pause, the interrogation scene, no mention of ive done worse, just terrible,  its between this and "middle ground" and judging by your shit review of this masterpiece, i

Every season gets an A, its just a matter of how many pluses id add afterwards. I agree that season 5 may have been the best, but every one is a masterpiece. I see alot of people putting season 3 last, which i find hard to believe considering it contained so many instant classics, just off the top of my head it

I just rewatched the entire series. I think it had some bumps and was finding itself in season 1, became really good in season 2 and in season 3 (my personal favorite) made the leap to an all time great show. Seasons 3 4 and 5 are phenominal , so much depth and substance, id think this show would be a critics dream to

I just rewatched the entire series. I think it had some bumps and was finding itself in season 1, became really good in season 2 and in season 3 (my personal favorite) made the leap to an all time great show. Seasons 3 4 and 5 are phenominal , so much depth and substance, id think this show would be a critics dream to

Why the hell arent you giving grades? Thats the main reason i come to this damn site

Why the hell arent you giving grades? Thats the main reason i come to this damn site

you are an awful reviewer. This was one of the most well earned, built up to, earth shattering episodes of all time and u talk about it so casually , about horse meat, ugh, makes me sick. And you give it and A- too lol. How do u people get these jobs?

Thank you. And if this is the expert section for people who have already read all the books and know whats coming then why are spoiler alerts even neccessary?

Thank you. And if this is the expert section for people who have already read all the books and know whats coming then why are spoiler alerts even neccessary?

So Tyrion is not dead i take it? Since none of you experts have even bothered to mention it? I breathe a sigh of relief on that front. So who was it that tried to kill him and was that Cersei who ordered it to be done. Because that final montage sure looked like Tyrion was dying, im someone who hasnt read the books

So Tyrion is not dead i take it? Since none of you experts have even bothered to mention it? I breathe a sigh of relief on that front. So who was it that tried to kill him and was that Cersei who ordered it to be done. Because that final montage sure looked like Tyrion was dying, im someone who hasnt read the books

No review for "Giving Back", i mean if ever there was an episode to illustrate how serious and real deal of a show this was , its that one, but hey stupidity is a constant theme around here.