Tim Isola

B+ for SERVICE????? wow , you really are an idiot arent ya? Holy shit, i could easily articulate the greatness and power of this episode in a much more elloquent way, but i dont fucking feel like it. You are a stupid useless person and should not be doing this job.

you gave this episode a fucking A-???? while i applaud u for giving "capybara" its proper recognition, "The Sleep of Babies" is one of the most intense earth shattering TV episodes of all time, everything from "The Pull" till the Revelator deserves an A fucking + , as season 1 was def the best season of sons. A- for

Didnt they use a Beatles song last season at the end of the episode where Don gets sally the beatles tickets at shea stadium and stares at megan, kinda noticing he for the first time. I believe it closed out the episode "hands and knees"

Some of these grades are so ridiculous…..Everything fom "Problem Dog" on should be an A, not even an A-. This season started off a lil slow and iffy but everything from 7 till the end deserves an A. If the person reviewing it cant see that , then perhaps someone else should take over, because she clearly has a very

Change this to a fucking A right now! Please….Everything fom "Problem Dog" on should be an A, not even an A-. This season started off a lil slow and iffy but everything from 7 till the end deserves an A. If the person reviewing it cant see that , then perhaps someone else should take over, because she clearly has a

Season 6a is among the best the shows ever done.  THe only people who will tell you its the worst are the neanderthals who watch the show just for the violence and all the wrong reasons and were comepletely oblivious to the utter genius of David Chase and the fine art he was putting before us each season. While i love