Newton Geiszler

THANK you. At least somebody understands what's really important about these movies.


Is Transformers going to have a Jaeger/Kaiju hybrid and a prominent role for yours truly in it? Huh? Is it?

Oh yeah buddy? Well I wish that… hold on, what I meant to say is that you're also gonna wish that your arm had space-traveled to save your face from my fist for dissing the first Pacific Rim!

They're inside the tank, duh. They're hooked up to a haptic Drift interface that allows…

Yeah…. some reason. It's not like… you know, that was, uh, my first design for the jaegers or anything… because it wasn't! Weird how it's on there, right?


You know it. I'm the best.

You have to admit that I exuded more character in thirty minutes of screen time than those two milquetoasts have in five hours.

Oh yeah? Well tell your dad that I think he's twenty five hundred tons of LAME!

You know it.


I'm pretty much just trying to get one last use out of all of these AV-only gimmick accounts, because there's no way I'm going to make full-fledged Disqus accounts for all of them.

That's not a very nice thing to say about Hermann, even if he is a blandface.

Nope. I'm too cool for that.

Hey, your cat was the one who woke the louse up with all its stomping around, driving me crazy. It's not my fault it wasn't wearing Kitten Mittens.

I actually drifted while drifting during a jaeger street race in Japan. Watch for it in the direct-to-video sequel Pacific Rim: Tokyo Drift.

Sup, I'm a much more popular gimmick account that will probably have occasion to be relevant again long after Pacific Rim is released on home video next month, because I'm a character people actually remember.

Hi there! Hi.