Newton Geiszler

Sorry, buddy, that ain't happening. I may be hyper and crazy, sell Kaiju Mittens(tm), and look exactly like Charlie Kelly, but I assure you I'm not actually Charlie Kelly.

Hey now, I know I'm a little off-kilter, but I don't want to end up as unstable as that guy. I think he'd be most drift-compatible with a bag full of cats, if you catch my meaning.

Oh jesus christ…, okay, listen here - I have no clue where your shoe is. I sort of had more on my mind than your shoe. Like, you know, the entire kaiju hivemind, which was literally on my mind, in case you didn't get that. Seriously, you funded the maintenance of four whole jaegers, I think you can buy a new shoaaAAND

Uh, what? Are you kidding? This is awesome! We can finally study a kaiju up close through the safety of Disqus!

Pfft, yeah right. Listen, Hermann, you can't just blindly trust your numbers. I mean, there's only a limited number of characters who can even be made into gimmick accounts. What, do you think there's gonna be one for each of the Kaiju? They don't even say anything! Well, I mean, there's evidence that some of the

Okay, I'm gonna take this problem to you guys - do you think it's possible to drift with the AV Club hivemind? I mean, it worked with the Kaiju hivemind, but I'm not sure I'll be able to do the same with the AV Club hivemind because there's no easy physical access point. Sure, I could try hooking up with the server