We can, but why would we want to?
We can, but why would we want to?
I'm not sure what they have to be so self-congratulatory about. Good job on performing almost zero due diligence and letting the US get whipped up into a second Iraq war that met none of the stated objectives for what it meant to achieve (aside from toppling Hussein's regime), further destabilized a region that did…
I'm guessing his argument is that since they were sold they weren't humans, they were simply commodities.
I realize impeachment is likely (sadly) unrealistic, but he could probably be censured at least, right? Right?
This man puts ketchup on overdone steaks. Do you really want him screwing up a chili cook-off too? Is nothing sacred?
Maison Margiela's ’REPLICA’ Jazz Club
It's a modest proposal.
I think it's pretty clear America isn't in the business of solving problems.
It's a miracle!
These Apartments.com promos get weirder and creepier every day.
I can't understand the cognitive dissonance where the idea of national healthcare is terrible and inefficient, but the CEO of a major healthcare insurer gets paid more than 1.3 million in salary, tens of millions in stock, and a 66% raise from last year- as if that's not getting baked into insurance costs, along with…
Even Lrrr doesn't want that human horn.
It was pretty stupid for United's CEO to write that in his email to shareholders.
If corporations are people, is this not some degree of fraud?
I've tried it, and I don't think that works- I can still taste the artificial candy fruit flavoring.
"You'll have to read it with a flashlight!"
But they're not mutants right? So maybe she's not born with it. Maybe it's Maybelline.
"Freestyle" soda machines are terrible. Nobody wanted an ipod equivalent of a vending machine. All the flavors come out of the same spigot, so the simple coke you ordered now tastes like a raspberry-lime soda suicide tragedy.
This is unnecessarily critical and snarky, Alex.