Were they technically accurate, in that the extender rotated, or revolved around an axis?
Were they technically accurate, in that the extender rotated, or revolved around an axis?
One of the more NPR lines you've delivered in a while (user/comment synergy!), but I can't fault your taste.
Well, pneumonia, really. Most people don't die from Alzheimer's unless they leave the gas on or something.
What are your thoughts on the human strawman Colmes?
The shallow, total bereft of personality TV-"reality" stars and hosts of the Bravo tv network.
It's a terrible thought, but does it make you feel better at all if the rampage happens and it's all horrible, despicable people?
I'm sure as hell not going to read it, but the "Killing…" book series seem to be about assassinated leaders. But General Patton wasn't assassinated, he died of congestive heart failure and complications from a car accident. Is that being rewritten now?
I never watched Castle. Was there an episode about them having to catch a criminal who collected eyeballs?
STOP, Internet!
That hadn't even occurred to me. I think his shilling for Capital One has sort of diminished the implied intense threatening nature of his line delivery.
What do you mean? She took lots of photos which she then presumably never showed to anyone.
Please don't leave me- don't you go
I realize there's a fair amount of glee in this schadenfreude, but PLEASE stop setting the bar so low (on the ground) that they can clear it- when it's not a complete clustertrump of imcompetence and the ruin of civilization these guys end up looking like they did ok- and it's not ok. Eviscerate them afterwards, but…
Chuck Lorre.
Did the jackass demand that he use the latrine that corresponded with the gender on his birth certificate?
The "Mission 001" is a little bit judgey "French Riviera: Lavish Playground for the Rich" - do they editorialize on all the locations? Also, the Prototype Eyepatch "more than meets the eye" - is he also a Transformer?
Wall Street executives: "CHALLENGE ACCEPTED!"
Or a small pied piper dance-leading the way directly in front of the Korean War Memorial in DC
It can be two things…