Stupid Sexy Flanders.

I don't know. I'd rate them a C+.

"If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball!"

“egregious filming”“egregious filming”“egregious filming”“egregious filming”“egregious filming”“egregious filming”“egregious filming”“egregious filming”“egregious filming”“egregious filming”“egregious filming”“egregious filming”“egregious filming”“egregious filming”“egregious filming”“egregious filming”“egregious

TFA did the smart thing and acknowledge the prequels (in one line of dialogue). Dismissing them completely would be pretty cowardly but bringing up anything more than just the line 'these troops are better than the clone troopers' you'd have to bring in anything else rotten from those films — and rest assured

Can we get one of these for The Chevy Chase Show?

AV Club became Clickhole so gradually I didn't even notice…

The Braves' organist is also very good in that he trolls the opposing batters when they walk up. I remember being at a game where Matt Stairs came up to pinch hit and he played "Stairway to Heaven." Just yesterday he played "Every Rose has its Thorn" for Rosario.

"So 'fuckstick', that's it?"


Yeah he didn't do himself any favors by saying it would be the best album of the last 20 years but it is a fine album. Good direction to take for a sophomore effort.

Hank wouldn't be voting for Trump. Probably write in Ted Cruz.

I love how willfully imprudent Mr. Tump is in that his self congratulating video Oliver pointed out the math was wrong on the percentage of applause. Can't they at least get numbers right? It's such a low, low bar to set. If Obama got a simple division problem wrong, Fox and Friends would talk about it for a week and

This list is clearly lacking The Hangover

TV is probably the best medium to tell a story, right? I'm going with yes. Sorry Charles Dickens…

Nation's Grandpas Overwhelmingly Support Donald Trump

This was a great season but by the end of it I was still worried Piscatella or anyone from MCC were going to get the full-on Dr. Evil treatment with the music and pinky pose.

I love the way they use the same song multiple times but make it feel so much different each time it's used. They did it in this movie time obviously but they also did it with "Somebody to Love" in A Serious Man and "The Man In Me" in The Big Lebowski.

Disagree. Although I am definitely in favor of the Vader cameo, they do need to let this be its own thing while still doing some fan service. Having the opening crawl in a non-saga movie would come off as desperate.

'Benign Madness' is a good way to describe Japan in general.

Tony Shalhoub