Stupid Sexy Flanders.

Haha look at that initial spike in Cleveland. Guys knew they'd watch the Cavs game so they got their batin' in early that afternoon…

And it became a glorious meme

"P.S. I still love you."

You win.

I can come up with cash grab all female reboots too!

Bold move to have a Power Hour post Pinkerton era. It sounds fun though…

Eh, I'm just holding out for Now You 3 Me

Rest assured, typical liberal hollyWIERD already has these in the works:

Truth Doesn't Make A Noise

Well said, Penis Van Lesbian. I concur.

So it wasn't Guns N' Roses?

If you're good at something, don't do it for free.

The esteemed opponent of GWB also voted to authorize the invasion of Iraq as well as stood by his Yes vote for the entire election.

Thaaat's the joke.

I think it's well within the realm of possibility that a drive thru worker at McDonald's would be high on his late night shift.

Everybody's got something to hide except for me and my Taxman.


A hard rain's gonna fall for MLB if they can't get more black people in the game. Times are good now with all the local TV money, but if they can't capitalize on the inevitable decline in youth participation pipeline of football, they're in trouble. The NBA is clearly set to make the biggest gains but there are more

As a Braves fan, I have an objection against outfield umpires calling infield flys.

Neil Cicierega's mash up of this and "Imagine" makes me laugh every single time. Juxtaposing one of the (overly) earnest and melodically beautiful songs with an obvious manufactured cash-grab 'song of the summer' is just too good.