Stupid Sexy Flanders.

There's going to be a lot of 'Tyler Durdens' that will start college next year. Mark it down.

Keep fighting the good fight, Dr. Hfuhruhurr

Billy Bob Thorton. We'll go ahead and assume this summer movie is an adaptation of everyone's lighthearted favorite The Dark Knight Returns.

Oh My GOD that movie needs a laugh track…

Shakespeare In Love is the ultimate unforgivable sin of 'just going with the sappy December release.'

It looks better than I though. Still, anyone who can name Herschel's younger, blonder daughter will receive one Like from yours truly.

What about boobies?

Jim. Is Jim. My name is Jim.

I think Stanley's the only person that's ever said "on the ghetto"

I can't imagine why anyone would have a strong opinion of Social D either way.

I bet this is the first movie that gets the sunset during a "day in the life" exactly right.

Was it like that after Reign Over Me as well?

"Halloween" was the first episode I watched, and I was really impressed. I think it would have made a better pilot for the show than the show's actual pilot. It introduces the characters and tone of the show better than the previous episodes - Having an idiot boss that's too timid to wait until the end of the month to

Also directed by Michel Gondry.

Or Aaron A. Aaronson

Jesse was born in the mid 80s. Hardly Gen X.

[Every word that Uncle Ellis said in No Country For Old Men]

I know I got a bill in the mail for quoting "The Opposite" too much…

This movie really is one of the best movies of the 2000s. For Ed Crane to say after everything, that his realization is that he's not sorry for any of his decisions, only for the consequences of his actions is quite a line. Consdiering he lost everything, but at least he got to feel he was in control.

One year from now: