Stupid Sexy Flanders.

"If he gets this question right, not only will I get on my hands and knees and beg for forgiveness… I will quit."

I hope it's brewed in an RV.

Everything halfway into "The Chrysanthemum And The Sword" was pure gold! Now it's only nice but unnecessary.

This is probably the only season where I felt the show was spinning its wheels. I know the final season will be great though.

Slap a wig on Melissa McCarthy and have her watch Gone With The Wind a few times…done

"Act II really sucks for me!"

You win.

Come back Zinc…Come back…

He had to go back to his home planet. He was needed there.

Chowdah!  I'll kill you!  I'll kill all of you, especially those of you in the jury!

"Spirit Journey Formation Anniversary" is yet another reason Aqua Teen Hungers Force demands an AV Club Classic run.

Aw, that's cute.

I prefer this one

Michael can "just live in the moment" better than a golden retriever.

So Male/Female duo procedurals are like the Bronson Arroyo of network television?


The stupid satellite went out with about 2-3 minutes left in the episode. I got right to the part where Mitchell is introduced at the dinner table. Did anything happen after that?

Orange Crush!

-Aitz chaim he, Dude. As the ex used to say