Stupid Sexy Flanders.

The 1990s had a problem of being a little too sincere. For Christ's sake a band called 4 Non Blondes released a song called "What's Up?"

It's no surprise that one of the Ween guys were responsible.

If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball!

Ancient Egyptian Agriculture Revolved Around 3 Seasons And Was Heavily Dependent On Irrigation

It only took 14 years. James Cameron saw Pocahontas in 1995 and knew he could release Avatar until 2009.

"it was so obviously the writers’ attempt to give Joan something to do here in the late stages of the season."

It turns out Nikola Tesla made them a teleporter-cloner the whole time!

I don't know what's better about this episode. The beginning or the ending??

How many 'these themes are too explicit' are we in for in the next writeup by TVDW? Probably only one, but I hope his metaphor next week ins't too on the nose.

Duck's scene with Pete was excellent. Duck really has a lot of wisdom through experience to offer the insolent Peter Dyckman Campbell. Duck has clearly burned every bridge in the Ad game, but he is a great fit for his current position. Pete quipped that Duck's source of strength is through a bottle, when time and time

I didn't realize that, but it makes perfect sense. That callback was to the series' most triumphant moment in my opinion.

I just don't understand calling it unmerited and self-serving. That's what the last two seasons of The Office was, not this. S4 was hardly flawless, but it had a clear (and ambitious) goal of intertwined storytelling filled with great character moments. It was familiar, yet innovative. The writers did a great job.

SO who else found Portia Di Rossi's plastic surgery a little unnerving?

So, I guess there's money to be made in running both strategies of shameless reality shows and a couple of the best TV shows ever. I bet we'll see more cable channels hedging their bets like this.

Ken Cosgrove's job is better than mine.

But Grown Ups 2 is going to pay homage to The Godfather: Part II by having flashbacks of the patriarch's life in the Old Country…

I'm pretty sure allmusic gave a four star review to some homeless guy on a corner this week.

You know what I've noticed? Nobody panics when things go "according to plan." Even if the plan is horrifying!

Borat. Done.

Agreed that exposition can be an effective tool. You know what movie could have used some fucking expository dialogue? The Phantom Menace!