Stupid Sexy Flanders.

One of the best ever Simpsons quotes.

Aw man! I was planning on going to England in the fall…

"I'm still a genius playboy billionaire philanthropist."

Not a very flattering photo of the receptionist on the left. Maybe the sweaty guy with her arm around her made her nervous.

The next male leads to be cast:

Never did Godfather 3…

Iron Man 2 dropped the ball. Great concept of Stark believing he was going to die (setting up for the 'darkest' of the franchise like Spider-man, X-Men, Nolan's Batman). But you're completely right in that it was just a mishmash of ideas that are in one movie. It could have really used a few competent rewrites.

One of those fucking movies was released as Stirb langsam 4.0

I think you mean this:

(stays on as a co-manager of a paper company despite having a standing job offer elsewhere.)

He would have went Medieval on his ass!

…Jerry and George's separate attempts at asking their girlfriends for a Ménage à trois.


Speech! Speech! Speech!

Don't do it Pete!! Those CDs of free hours are there to just suck you in!!!

Eh, it was only a matter of time before we went from obvious fodder to contrarian bullshit. Faster than I expected, though.

So will the Back to the Future remake be a summer release or a Christmas release? Short money has to be on summer, right?

[crickets chirping]


Don't forget the magic RV with the secret compartment to look up minor league baseball players! Fuck that movie.