Stupid Sexy Flanders.

We'll see if he's actually only surrounded himself with 'yes men' if this movie comes into fruition.

We'll see if he's actually only surrounded himself with 'yes men' if this movie comes into fruition.

Seeing a preview for it, I was honestly thinking "parody drama" then "how low is USA gonna get?" then "Holy shit! A major network!"

This is all an elaborate joke, right?

"The Wheel" is the best episode of television of all time.

And its replacement.


"all such tomfoolery is covered under the First Amendment. " is the mantra of our society.

The examples they gave for "parody movies" included I Am Sam.

So it's either altruism… or they realized that they wanted some invaluable credibility before they make their own trilogy…

Ween just operates on a higher plane than the rest of us.

REM went from indie darlings to mainstream staples to over-the-hill to a couple of actually enthusiastic swan song albums. That's how you fuckin' break up.

Or Police Cops

Green Onions.

I think the "Lizard Queen" is something only could have been done in Golden Era Simpsons. I'm going with that.

Who's gonna be lucky enough to be cast as "older, fatter Wilson"?

Hot Tub Time Machine 2: 'Cause YOLO

Should have sent O Brother Where Art Thou?

It's one thing if they did this finale and then went on HBO right after or something. That would have been doomed from the start. But seven years worth of story lines and events will almost surely lead to a wealth of material to do.