Stupid Sexy Flanders.

It's not PTA's fault he took the most interesting character and shoved him in the background, took a stock character into the forefront and gave him no arc.

How many Oscars is Daniel Day-Lewis going to win this year?

Is it that hard to believe they could never get every single cast member to "reunite" on the same set all at once?


They'll continue giving them to the deserved winners.

Craig Kimbrel, especially, should switch his from "Welcome to the Jungle" to "Sunshine, Lollipops and Rainbows."

Proof that "IMHO" is for douchebags. Especially in 1993.

An excerpt from the book:

Holy Shit!

That's right. You heard it here first. It's "not irredeemable garbage"

The Whites were his "secret family" for several years. Notice how that show never revealed his occupation or last name.

"You're off the case McGarnicle!"
"You're off your case, chief"
"What does that even mean?"
"It means he gets RESULTS, you stupid chief"
"Sit down, Dad."

"Charlie Has Cancer"
''The Gang Gives Back"
"Mac Bang's Dennis' Mom"
"The Gang Runs for Office"
"The Gang Finds a Dumpster Baby"
"Sweet Dee's Dating a Retarded Person"
"The Nightman Cometh"
"The D.E.N.N.I.S. System"
"Who Got Dee Pregnant?"
"Frank Reynold's Little Beauties"

Spike Lee should really just publish his list of rules instead of letting every other writer/director guess them.

Spike Lee should really just publish his list of rules instead of letting every other writer/director guess them.

Please tell me you AV Club film reviewers kept a tab on who had to review the most crap movies this year.

Please tell me you AV Club film reviewers kept a tab on who had to review the most crap movies this year.

Yeah, Spurlock was surely bound for a crash and burn. Most of his movies are light, tepid affairs that will still find and audience. More importantly, every interview I've seen him do shows he's an egotistical jackass. Hopefully next time he'll just do a movie about smartphones or something.

Yeah, Spurlock was surely bound for a crash and burn. Most of his movies are light, tepid affairs that will still find and audience. More importantly, every interview I've seen him do shows he's an egotistical jackass. Hopefully next time he'll just do a movie about smartphones or something.

I don't understand the Apatow backlash. (Especially for the movies he's directed.) How many big Hollywood releases are actually of high quality? I hope he keeps going for another decade.