Stupid Sexy Flanders.

I, for one, am hoping it airs so we get AV Club reviews for each episode.

Look at them all, through the darkness I'm bringing.
They're not sad at all. They're actually singing!
They sing without juicers.They sing without blenders.They sing without flunjers, capdabblers and smendlers!

Wasn't "Behind The Laughter" an excellent finale?

Please, please. They're called fagshenanigans.

All we really want to know is - how was the Dark Knight Rises trailer?


I think you can tell if your kid is worth a shit by the response to this film.

Yeah. The abortion/gay marriage tripe is never going to go away. Americans like knee jerk reactionism more than policy.

Korean is in such a classy font.

I'm just saying that there's not enough movies where Lucifer is the protagonist. The movie studios have left me disappointed.

At $5 per purchase, there would need to be 1.6 million purchases in order to reach $8,000,000. Considering there were 1.57 million who watched the season premiere of his show this year, it's not too farfetched.

Oh, shit yes.

I was disappointed by last year's best of TV list that included TDS, but not Colbert. The Report beats it perhaps a majority of the nights. They're so close in quality either way, that it's hard not to mention one without the other. Hopefully, I anticipate some changes…

Musicals are a tired and limiting genre. This episode just showed exactly how tired limiting if it could turn Community into something formulaic and uneventful.

Billy Beane wrote Moneyball!

Bad news for Parks & Rec.

private, non-routable IP address.

Armistice Day

"What an ugly and reductive way of seeing the world."
I think he borrowed this from a freshman English paper.