Stupid Sexy Flanders.

I'd probably say the moment Eddie drove away in the episode of "Louie."

If "I Just Had Sex" isn't the best song of the year, I have a problem.

Yes, but it's worth it to have Ben Franklin on the $100. That's a perfect fit.

He won't break character until he's done the DVD commentary.

yer father's dead..
your FATHER is dead.
your father's DEAD

The National Broadcasting Company was once the undisputed leader in television broadcasting. For Christ's sake, they called their Thursday lineup "Must See TV" and nobody batted an eyelash. Since time machines don't exist, NBC has to live in the present where they are perpetually last place amongst the Networks.

"The Weight"

How much CNN can one person watch?

Watched an episode of Ken Burn's BASEBALL that covered the 1940s. Consider that In 1941, the Brooklyn Dodgers were one strike away from tying the World Series at two games a piece against the New York Yankees. They did get that 3rd strike put it went past the catcher to get one on base with two out. The Yankees ended


…and next episode they find the cure.

I like Weezer, but I don't like their later stuff.

Hopefully, it's set in "Freedom Fires" America.

3D rock…. heh heh heh

Are you saying "Boo" or "Boo-urns"?

I say this pilot airs on April 1st. Agree?

Shows go stale after a while? What?

It ends with Don Draper listening to Abbey Road in October '69. Done.

Shit, if someone directly responded to my article, I'd mention it.

contract stipulation?