Stupid Sexy Flanders.

God knows that no AV Club commentators could come up with that.

My automobile is a piece of crap…

Linguistic monopoly, telenovelas, disposable income

Linguistic monopoly, telenovelas, disposable income

Is "Kissed by A Rose" a legitimately good song? I'm starting to think everything I thought I knew was wrong.

Any body else notice during parks & rec that the trailer for that muppets movie had Cee Lo's "Fuck You" in it?

A, B, B+, A-, A, B-

It was about time than VanDerWerff acknowledged the fact that there has to be a commenter in his head when he's set to review a show that has no business of being reviewed.

Writers room:

I don't know about any of you guys, but I use "That's the joke" in a heavy Austrian accent regularly.

Initially i thought there was going to be a whole episode of end of the world gimmicks. Of course, that topic is soooo esay. They did it earlier this season with the long-form birth certificate. Thankfully, this episode kicked ass. I will also change my religious views on facebook to "none of your goddamn business"


America really should have lost all its Super Bowl privileges after said travesty.

Fraggle stick car

I'll be thoroughly rooting for the Cardinal's demise.

I 'LIKE" this comment more than I have ever 'LIKED' anything before.

Godfather 3! Godfather 3!

"Oprah Winfrey taps directly into the emotions, beliefs, buying habits and summer reading patterns of billions of women all over the world! Oprah Winfrey has the power to lay waste an entire industry with a mere utterance! She's a completely invincible, unstoppable force of nature"

Maybe HBO realizes this isn't 1972 anymore. You can look past ratings to see what revenues television programs bring in.

Michael Bolton in "Jack Sparrow"