Stupid Sexy Flanders.

a flightless bird

We already have "The Violence Channel"

Mr DBag,

don't forget the smell.

That fake tv show referenced in Reservoir Dogs sounded much better than this.

That's sure fire to get the response of "I'm listening…"

Clearly, Mr. Eko should have had top billing.

Right. That's everyone needs to watch this video:

Puns are stupid.

I'm absolutely going to steal the "I'm 40-shit years old" one day.

Remember guys, The "Buy" button is on the right.

I'd say this is a good idea.

God bless you, sir.

best episode of the season so far.

He couldn't be any more disappointed. Rightfully so.

I never would have guessed that actor was the same actor in the 2 minute cameo from several season ago unless they told me.

I've personally never had a plate appearance in Major League Baseball, but if I did it would be to the theme song to LOST.


So who do you guys thinks kills Gus this season?
The Cartel?

The olds mocking Morty and Helen for missing "The Early Bird" as possible evidence for embezzlement is priceless.