Stupid Sexy Flanders.

Wow, people are stupid. "A largely successful company with high market share raised its price a few bucks a month. Oh no!"

A 94% Rotten Tomatoes score is pretty compelling.

When a hipster cred band says this:

Thank Joseph Smith!

I'm saying Christmas 2013. Let's just start placing bets now.

God, I hope this has some really clumsy protagonist narration.

That's happened to everybody, I'm sure.

Of seasons 3-8, only "Homer Loves Flanders" comes to mind.

It can't be a failure when everybody in the world know it's going to suck.

'98 Yankees>'09 Yankees>'99 Yankees>'03 Yankees>'01 Yankees>'96 Yankees>'00 Yankees

My first R rated movie was Predator 2 at a friend's house. The first one I watched with my parents was "The Patriot." Even as a 6th grader I knew most of the historical inaccuracies.

^ favorite line. It comes the very moment after he's trying to defend Ed.

troll irl hall of fame

It's pretty good dog food.  I'll give credit where credit is due.

How about Gangstalicious?

"Most of you will marry out of fear of dying alone."

This is the real season 3 finale as far as I'm concerned. The Homer's brother again episode as a finale doesn't make much sense.


Otto isn't seen or mentioned in the entire first act. Besides, the world is a better place because of Homer's attempt to quote the bible.

I don't know. I think she's got the "indie rock club" scene down.