Stupid Sexy Flanders.

It's called playing the percentages!
It's what good managers do to win ballgames!

That would be a good place to end it.

Edna Krabappel is the best supporting cast member
That is all.

She could have said that line in any scene she's been in with Louie. It works with everything, especially when going into people's houses while house hunting.

That Half in the Bag preview was great. The way they were bringing up all the cliches as a parody really made believe this was a joke trailer. I was really hoping we'd get a more scathing review.

And I'm the laaaaaast cop you'll ever want to mess with!
My favorite AD Line.

I bet it'll actually be pretty good.

The delivery of "We ain't got no blueberries" was a thing of beauty.
The casting of extras for this show really is its secret weapon.

I think you're right. I'd never want to know what she added to the 2nd segment.

I'm not surprised at all that Bryan Cranston almost killed some one.

Seven episodes and done.
Callin it.

Book wrestling movies!!

At least Quimby kept the "chick vote" by not imprisoning Marge.

Who's an actor that can quickly gain and lose weight?
Btw, this actually sounds good.

Who's an actor that can quickly gain and lose weight?
Btw, this actually sounds good.

It's good to have contempt for your audience

She'll be zombie typecasted no matter what.

Hey Aaron Carter — you suck!

These "World's Worst Weather Man" ads are probably the worst I've ever seen
That is all.

You can honor your contract or you can walk out that door.
Wise move.